We use the same shortcut key in different places, where they can be in the general RadMenuItem but also on a menuitem in a RadContextMenu tied to a text box.
But, when i am focused on the text box and hit F12, it fires the radmenuitem F12 shortcut and never fires the contextmenu option. The ZIP file has the program that shows this.
Within windows using the standard menu and context menu, the context menu shortcut is fired and not the general menu shortcut. Windows seems to be treating it as you are on this field and there is a context menu with this shortcut - fire that event. Whereas Telerik seems to be looking at the general menu before the context menu.
Am i doing something wrong to get the context menu shortcut to fire and not the general menu shortcut?
Actually it seems almost random. In our program the F12 seems to be always firing when on a context menu even when it isn't a context menu tied to the textbox i am on.
Which is different than what my sample program shows, but still a little odd. I am still doing more testing on it. The F12 from the contextmenu is actually firing when i am on a text box that doesn't have any context menu on it.