Hi All,
I want to save my page state in sql database. I am using Kendo UI and React jS. i want to save data as json format,
If i login that application again i want to load my page as last session state
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 05 Nov 2019, 06:27 AM
Hello, Binu,
In React, the entire concept is involved around keep the application state up the date in a JSON object.
What I can suggest is keep the state in a single object which will be saved in the database.
This can be done with state management libraries like Redux, MobX or using the React built-in context API:
As the components do not keep an internal state, they only received it from the application, when the current state has to be saved, save the same state that is passed to the component to the SQL database.
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