Good day, I'm struggling to get RadControls within CommandBarHostItems to scale at size 125%.
I've worked through your articles, applied the application manifest and set the relevant property on my main form.
Every other control is scaling as it should, but I can't get a RadCheckbox and RadMulticolumnComboBox to work?
See code below on how I set these controls:
RadCheckBox chkAutoFilter = new RadCheckBox();
chkHostAutoFilter.MinSize = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 20);
chkHostAutoFilter.HostedControl = chkAutoFilter;
RadMultiColumnComboBox cboCustomerID = new RadMultiColumnComboBox();
cboCustomerID.Name = "cboCustomerID";
cmbHostCustomerID.MinSize = new System.Drawing.Size(90, 20);
cmbHostCustomerID.HostedControl = cboCustomerID;
Telerik Version: 2018.1.116.40
Please advise.