I want to see the data of my row when I click on it, what happens when grouping my grid does not take the correct data I hope you can help me I show my code :
Private Sub DgvProyectoGeneral_CellClick(sender As Object, e As GridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DgvProyectoGeneral.CellClick
Dim i As Integer
With DgvProyectoGeneral
If e.RowIndex >= 0 Then
i = .CurrentRow.Index
TxtIdExtraordinario.Text = .Rows(i).Cells("IdSolictud").Value.ToString
TxtCodigoExtraordinario.Text = .Rows(i).Cells("CodigoExtraodinario").Value.ToString
TxtDescripcionExtraodinario.Text = .Rows(i).Cells("DescripcionExtraordinario").Value.ToString
TxtCodigoMaterial.Text = .Rows(i).Cells("CodigoMaterial").Value.ToString
TxtDescripcionMaterial.Text = .Rows(i).Cells("DescripcionMaterial").Value.ToString
End If
End With
End Sub