I'm trying to save the current zoom level that a user has set for a document. I can get the value of the zoom level, but what I can't figure out how to do, is set the zoomcombobox to that value.
As an example, the default combo box has a list of values. If a user sets it to say 150%, I can save that value. I can use the zoomto method to set it and the document will scale to 150%. However, this doesn't change the zoomcombobox value, it stays at whatever it was (default of 100%).
The next problem is, the user can CTRL-Mousewheel to change the zoom level. This will add values to the zoomcombobox that were not previously there (meaning, the values will be different than those available in the zoomcombobox). Not really a problem on the surface, the document scales correctly, the zoomcombobox has the correct values.
But, if I reload the document and want to reset the zoom level to the users zoom preference, the odds are, the scale is not in the default set of values for the zoomcombobox.
I hope this makes some sense. =)