First - I read this article.
We have a multi-level-test that is using ExecutionExtensions (another Telerik link).
ISSUE: Upon execution, although Test A reports that multiple iterations have been run with correct values in the Test Studio UI, we see the runs are actually re-using the same values from ROW #1 only.
CAUSE: The IsDataDriven property of Test A is FALSE.
Within the designer/Test Studio UI for Test A, we add a BLANK/EMPTY Local Data Table. That sets the IsDataDriven property to TRUE. Then at runtime when the ExecutionExtensions create a new Data Table, the tests properly iterate the rows.
The IsDataDriven property is read-only and it's not clear if/how to set during OnInitializeDataSource.
Feels like a bug, please advise.
Hi All,
New to this but just can't work out where I am going wrong with a simple extraction and then using the extracted value in another field.
Extracting a number from 'Transaction Number' element.
'Extract 'TextContent' on 'Transaction Number' into DataBindVariable $(TxnNumber) - DataDriven: [$(TxnNumber)]
Then want to enter this number into another field 'Transaction Number Filter Box'
Enter text '' in 'Transaction Number Filter Box' - DataDriven: [$(TxnNumber)]
I've followed this but still can't seem to get it to work.
Create an Extraction Step | Progress Test Studio (
I have a test list where there are few tests in it and its set to re-run failed tests. If a test fails it re-runs and passes after re-run but for some reason the entire test list is marked as failed in HTML results.
Is this expected ? is there a way to re- run entire test list ? or just mark the test list as passed after re-runs pass ?
I have Access Database Engine downloaded (32 bit version), still I keep getting an error "There is no data to execute the test with"
whenever I try to execute my test. I am trying to execute my tests locally.
I'm automating a web system in Internet Explorer (the only browser supported). At a given point, I'm supposed to click a button and that should launch a second window. When clicking the button, this security dialog pops up: "Only secure content is displayed." and clicking in "Show all content" should allow the new window to open up.
Since the dialog is not a part of the DOM, I can't record it. Perhaps a coded step would be the solution, but I can't make it work. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Is there a way to publish output/results to a dedicated node which has executive dashboard on it using ArtOfTest.Runner.exe ? We are running tests suing this
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Test Studio\Bin\ArtOfTest.Runner.exe" ^ root="%WORKSPACE%\test_studio_project" ^ list="%WORKSPACE%\test_studio_project\TestLists\%TEST_LIST%.aiilist" junit ^ out="repos\TestResults" ^ result="%BUILD_NUMBER%-Results" ^ xml html junitstep
Este error me sale al querer enlazar datos desde excel especificamente en un campo desplegable.
ArtOfTest.Common.Design.Exceptions.ExecutionException: ¡Error de ExecuteCommand!
InError establecido por el cliente. Error de cliente:
valor 024 en el menú desplegable solicitado.
BrowserCommand (Type:'Action',Info:'NotSet',Action:'SelectDropDown',Target:'ElementId (tagName: 'select',occurrenceIndex: '4')',Data:'V:024',ClientId:'6677467e-7fcb-4bb1-bf4b-1a776c760289',HasFrames:'False',FramesInfo:'',TargetFrameIndex:'-1',InError:'True',Response:'value 024 in the dropdown requested.')
InnerException: ninguno.
---> ArtOfTest.WebAii.Exceptions.ExecuteCommandException
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommandInternal(BrowserCommand request)
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommand(BrowserCommand request, Boolean performDomRefresh, Boolean waitUntilReady)
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Browser.ExecuteCommand(BrowserCommand request)
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Actions.DoSelectDropDown(Element targetElement, String data)
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core.Actions.SelectDropDown(Element targetElement, String text, Boolean useValue)
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.IntrinsicTranslators.Descriptors.SelectDropDownActionDescriptor.Execute(Browser browser)
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Extensibility.HtmlActionDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost autoHost)
en ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order)
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