I am trying to connect to Oracle database using Test studio to verify values are being persisted properly. I tried writing code using Oracle client but I am getting following error:
'System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection' is obsolete: 'OracleConnection has been deprecated. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=144260'
Also, tried with OleDB connection, but getting OleDB.Oracle not registered on local machine error. Please let me know if any solution is available for the same.
I am new to WebAii Framework, I want to start Automation SAP application using VS2010 and WebAii Frame work. Please let me know if it is possible to automate SAP application using WebAii Frame work, If possibe let me know If there is any pre-requiste before starting the automation like Installing xyz controls etc.
SAP Application details :
Portal : NetWeaver Portal
Languages used : ABAP and Java
My System details:
Windows XP SP3
VisualStudio 2010
WebAii 2.0
Please let me know if any details requried
SaranKumar V