Background: A mobile application has been created in-house (Xamarin). I'm creating tests, in TS Mobile, for testing this app.
I'm able to successfully navigate through and record steps in the first screens (entering Login, entering Verification Code, and entering New Password and it's confirmation).
After entering new Password and it's confirmation, a popup window appears stating "Your password was changed". The OK button in that popup window must be selected, in order to move on to the Rights and Responsibilities screen.
Issue: I'm unable to record the tap within this popup, nor the tap on the OK button. How do I capture steps (actions) within the popup? The OK button must be selected in order to move on to the next screen.
My set up is as follows.
Machine A) my local machine - client machine for test studio
Machine B) VM - Storage Service, Scheduling Service, Execution Service
All components seem to be able to see each other, but running a list remotely from my local machine throws and error relating to the access of the Storage Service.
I get the following error message
"Running test list failed internally due to an unhandled error", the log entry for this is as follows
"[04/30 11:47:06,Telerik.TestStudio.Desktop.exe(13464:1),TestStudio] StorageUploader.UploadToCloudAsync() : ------- Function Start -------
[04/30 11:47:09,Telerik.TestStudio.Desktop.exe(13464:23),Error] CloudStorageSession.SendRequestAsync() : Send to Storage failed: An error occurred while sending the request.
[04/30 11:47:09,Telerik.TestStudio.Desktop.exe(13464:23),Error] CloudStorageRepository`2.All() : Response is null due to a hardware connnection error."
So it seems there is an issue connecting to the storage service - this can be further backed up by looking into the Mongo dB - See attachment. "RoboDatabaseStructureMissingDataBase.PNG" where there is no "TSStorageData" database.
So far I have tried everything I can find under similar issues - restarting the services, dropping the database, using fully qualified address for services.
I can run test lists locally.
All settings - see attachments - seem to be as should be.
All version are the same.
The firewall on the vm is turned off.
The security protection in azure (which hosts the vm) has been opened for all ports,
I can connect my client to the remote scheduling server.
I'm at a loss - could you please help to resolve this issue
Thank you.
I have a solution in Visual Studio 2017 which contains two projects. One project holds the files for a Sitefinity site, the other is a Test Studio Project which holds a single test. See attachment for visual.
I created this test using the Visual Studio Plugin, and then saved the files to Bitbucket Source Control.
I then opened up the desktop version of Test Studio and tried to follow the steps to open a project from Source Control, but I am getting an error that says "No Project found"
In the desktop Test Studio, when I go to open from Git, the sample URL is "" so I entered as my URL. Then I select a local folder that is separate from where I have the Visual Studio Project stored. Then I click connect and wait a while. I get a message saying "Connection to remote repository successful!"
Then I click Ok, then I get an error saying "No Project found"
Am I doing something incorrectly?
Hi I am new to Telerik test studio and our team is interested in this product to automate our Silverlight Application.
Today I use Telerik test studio to create a simple web test to record our Silverlight UI, but it doesn’t work often for the right click.
Simple scenario:
I create a simple test and run it several times and it works. Later, I run it again. It fails. I even set up the time stamp to allow it to have much time to do the right click, but it doesn’t work and the test fails due to “element not found” .
I find Telerik test studio can generate C# code and I run it again. The same issue happens.
Is there any way to investigate this right click issue?
Error 1 The item
was specified more than once
parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the
parameter. 1959_ImplementWorkflowBindContactAndAccount
I am using Test Studio Ultimate and just wondering if there's a way to verify Word document contents.
Thank you very much!
i have for my Company to do a spike for Telerik Test Studio.
My Problem is, i want to try the Visual Studio Extension.
But there is no extension in Visual Studio installed.
The Visual Studio version is: 15.9.11
.NET Framework is: 4.7.02556
Test Studio Version is 2019.1.408.0
I do all the things there are in your Documentation.
Now i need help, sorry for the bad english.
Friendly Regards.
Hi Team ,
As far as I know, The Recorder can be connected to the already opened Browser instance , only by using Internet Explorer.
Are there any possibilities to get connect the recorder using chrome or Edge ?
I tried to change the preferred browser and updated the latest version. But still i could only connect to IE. Refer to attachment..
Could you please help on this..
Nithya A.
I am trying to setup some tests that require a WPF application to be started with some command line parameters.
In the configuration screen Configure WPF Application Path this option isn't available.
What can do the trick? It is critical for our project to be able to set up and maintain tests with minimal coding.
Thank you
I have 3 different tests with the same purpose, which is: testing the contents of a TextBlock on the landing page of my WPF application.
The first test always fails,no matter how I reshuffle them. This is what the log says:
Overall Result: Fail
'4/15/2019 8:13:47 PM' - Executing test: 'DoStuffWithMyApp1', path: 'DoStuffWithMyApp1.tstest.'
'4/15/2019 8:13:47 PM' - Using .Net Runtime version: '4.0.30319.42000' for test execution. Build version is '2019.1.408.0'.
'4/15/2019 8:13:47 PM' - Starting execution....
'4/15/2019 8:14:06 PM' - Using 'C:\MyApp\Dev\Client\Client.Shell\bin\Debug\Client.Shell.exe' application.
'4/15/2019 8:14:26 PM' - 'Fail' : 1. Verify DevelopmentTextblock.Text 'Equal' 'Development R1.0.0.0'
Failure Information:
Unable to locate element. Details: Attempting to find [Wpf] element using
Find logic
(Wpf): [TextContent 'StartsWith' Development R1.] AND [XamlTag 'Exact' textblock]
Unable to locate element. Search failed!
Learn more about finding elements here:
'4/15/2019 8:14:26 PM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=True' continuing test execution.
'4/15/2019 8:14:27 PM' - 'Pass' : 2. Verify 'DevelopmentTextblock' text Same 'Development R1.0.0.0'
'4/15/2019 8:14:28 PM' - 'Pass' : 3. Verify 'DevelopmentTextblock' text Equal 'Development R1.0.0.0'
'4/15/2019 8:14:28 PM' - Overall Result: Fail
'4/15/2019 8:14:28 PM' - Duration: [0 min: 22 sec: 804 msec]
'4/15/2019 8:14:31 PM' - Test completed!
I have tried to play with the timing settings (e.g. Wait on elements) but that didn't help much.
I think it is important to say, the application has a splash screen and I have the sensation that the first test is fired before that it gets closed.
The other tests are launched when the landing page is loaded and they succeed.