Is it just me?
Standard Winforms app. I have used the Visual Style builder to create a custom theme and saved it as 'UVTMetroBlue.tssp', in a sub=folder of my project named 'Theme'.
In Visual Studio 2017 I add the theme package as a resource. I go to the RadThemeManger on my MainForm, and select load from resource. It prompts me to enter the resource location string.
If I enter what I believe is the correct string : "UVTMain.Theme.UVTMetroBlue.tssp", I get a null reference error. If I add it through 'Edit Themese', and browse to the file, same "null reference" error.
If I put in nonsense, it accepts it without error.
So, I go to 'Edit Themes' on the Theme Manager and there is the entry
Unable locate Resource file 'aasdasdasd' in the project folder 'C:\Users\hespect\source\Workspaces\UVeritech\UVTMain\UVTMain\'
Is something wrong with my .tssp file?