I try to set tooltip for textbox which is disabled , it not showing tooltip, but if the textbox in enabled it showing, Is there any way to show tooltip while it disabled ?
I tried following ways , but not working
in 2nd way i added Windows ToolTip control in that form and set the value for radtexbox, but not working.
RadTextBoxControl1.Enabled = False '1 st way RadTextBoxControl1.TextBoxElement.ToolTipText = "This is the tooltip text." '2 nd way ToolTip1.SetToolTip(RadTextBoxControl1, "This is the tooltip text.")
Pls reply asap
Hi, Aravind,
The disabled controls do not receive mouse events and this is the reason why the tooltip is not shown.
There are two possible solutions for this case:
Here are a few StackOverflow questions on this topic: