My scheduler is in timeline view, and also grouped by resources. Is there a way to modify the day headers and add the name of the day itself there? (see picture attached)
I found how to put into radlabel a image here: https://www.telerik.com/forums/image-for-label and here is my code:
((TextPrimitive)this.lblTitle1.LabelElement.Children[2].Children[1]).Font = new Font("Roboto", 32, FontStyle.Bold);
ImagePrimitive imgPrimitive = new ImagePrimitive();
imgPrimitive.Image = WSResourceManager.UiImageProvider.InfoYellowIcon.Get(WSConfigurationManager.GetInstance.GetLargeIconSize());
Now I would like to align the image to the text that is centered (designer):
but as a result I get this (result):
How can I align this icon to the text?
I need to create a grid that looks like this:
In the upper right there is an X that need to be a hyperlink which fires a C# event. I'm preparing the data for the grid like this:
foreach (var item in data)
item.Name = $"<html><span style=\"font-size: 10\">{item.Name} {item.Acct}</span><p>{item.TicklerDesc}</html>";
item.TicklerDate = $"<html><p></p><span style=\"font-size: 8\">{string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" ", 22))}X<p></p>{item.TicklerDate}</span></html>";
As it stands now the X is useless. The questions is: How do I make it a hyperlink (or fake equivalent) so that I can fire a C# event?
This code produces a blank image. Am I missing something?
var radChartView1 = new RadChartView();
radChartView1.AreaType = ChartAreaType.Pie;
PieSeries series = new PieSeries();
series.DataPoints.Add(new PieDataPoint(50, "Germany"));
series.DataPoints.Add(new PieDataPoint(70, "United States"));
series.DataPoints.Add(new PieDataPoint(40, "France"));
series.DataPoints.Add(new PieDataPoint(25, "United Kingdom") { Label = "My Label" });
series.ShowLabels = true;
series.DrawLinesToLabels = true;
series.SyncLinesToLabelsColor = true;
radChartView1.ShowSmartLabels = true;
var name5 = Path.Combine(_outputBasePath, "data05.png");
ThemeResolutionService.AllowAnimations = false;
radChartView1.ExportToImage(name5, radChartView1.Size, ImageFormat.Png);
I am calling a panel from another form so I can re-use it without having duplicate code. This panel has a RadViewGrid, but because it is called outside of its parent form it doesn't seem to call the CellFormatting handle. I am trying to style the cells in code, but backcolor doesn't seem to do anything
'Create new form to display pnlPayment
Dim FormPayment As Form = New Form
FormPayment.Size = New Size(1070, 652)
FormPayment.Name = "FormPayment"
FormPayment.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
FormPayment.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
FormPayment.ControlBox = False
'dynamically find this. can also be done with FrmCashRegister.pnlPayment.Visible = true but I wrote it like this to be sure and to make my life hard
Dim paymentpanel() As Control = FormPayment.Controls.Find("pnlPayment", False).
paymentpanel(0).Visible = True
FrmCashRegister.RadGridViewPayment.AutoSizeRows = True
FrmCashRegister.RadGridViewPayment.EnableAlternatingRowColor = True
For Each row As Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewRowInfo In FrmCashRegister.RadGridViewPayment.Rows
For Each cell In row.Cells
cell.Style.DrawFill = True
cell.Style.ForeColor = Color.White 'works
cell.Style.BackColor = Color.Blue 'doesn't work
The cell.Style.ForeColor works, but cell.Style.BackColor does not.
I've tried getting the CellElement and assigning styling there but that doesn't work either.I'm using Visualstudio2022 Dark theme on my program. When I load a fillable PDF to the PDF viewer, the back color of the form fields turns to black when I click on them.
I tried changing the annotations color and the text color of the form fields, but nothing works.
How do I change the back color from black to white of the form fields on a fillable PDF?
Hi there,
I have a RadRibbonBar which contains a RadSplitButton element and I'm using Windows11Compact Theme.
I have set splitBtn.ArrowPosition = Bottom and ImageAlignment and TextAligment = TopCenter.
I want the image and text to be centered on the button but they are both aligned right. I notice this only happens with the Windows11 themes, and only to the RadSplitButton. The DropdownButton image/text is correctly centered, however I need to use the split button as there is an event triggered when the button portion of the control is clicked.
I have tried searching for other alignment properties in the UI Elements and setting them all to TopCenter but that still does not solve the problem.
Is this the expected behaviour/appearance? And is there a way I can have the image and text centered on the control?
I have attached a screenshot of the issue I am experiencing.
Thank you,
I'm trying to use the Windows11Compact theme as default for an entire application, using the config below.
This is a WinForms project in C#, I have the Windows11 theme dll added to the project, and I'm trying to automaticaly apply the Windows11Compact theme for all controls and all forms that will be added in the project. I don't want to set the theme in runtime because I need to see the theme during the design of the application.
With the config shown above the theme is not applied. It only uses the default Telerik theme.
However, if I change to the Windows11 theme the form updates automaticaly as well as any control I add. It also work's with the Fluent Theme for exemple.
The version of telerik I'm using is Telerik for WinForms 2024.1.312.40.
Thank you in advance for any answer.