Just installed the latest release, Q1 2013 SP1 (version 2013.1.321)
How do I access the cell values as stated above?
Also is it possible to add a calculation field to a pivot grid?
Hello! There was a problem. I wanted to change the color of the "Add" button (the button with the plus icon).
I found this element in the style editor (attach a screenshot).
But I can't find how to find this element and change the color through the code. Please tell me how to do this?
I would like to use the filtering row of GridView of a GridViewMultiComboBoxColumn. I have made it show up with the code:
editor.EditorControl.EnableFiltering =
editor.EditorControl.ShowFilteringRow =
This makes the row appear. However, upon clicking the filtering row the drop-down GridView immediately disappears. How can I make the GridView remain ONLY when typing into the filter row?
public void ExportToExcel()
ExportToExcelML exporter = new ExportToExcelML(this.radGV1);
exporter.HiddenColumnOption = Telerik.WinControls.UI.Export.HiddenOption.DoNotExport;
exporter.ExportVisualSettings = true;
exporter.SheetMaxRows = ExcelMaxRows._1048576;
exporter.SheetName = "sheet";
exporter.SummariesExportOption = SummariesOption.DoNotExport;
string fileName = "C:\\Temp\\ExportedData123.xls";
How do I remove borders from a form? Leaving the ability to resize the form.
To form elements occupy the entire form without indentation.
1) If you open a popup and then close ( click on button ArrowButtonElement) - Automatically sets the first value
2) If faster open and close - autoset first element
See video:
Hello When I change the font of a radmaskededitbox, the font family changes correctly, but the size seems to be wrong.
here is how I change the font:
Dim meb As RadMaskedEditBox = TryCast(ctrl, RadMaskedEditBox)
meb.Font = NewFont
meb.Controls(0).Font = NewFont
meb.MaskedEditBoxElement.Font = NewFont
Atteched a screen copy where all controls fonts are set to "Comic Sans MS;9pt" and the radeditmaskedboxes show larger fonts
Any suggestion ...
thanks in advance
I am a student from Belgium and I am now using the Telerik DevCraft trail version. because it is convenient and easy to use, I would like to use this for my school projects, here is my question whether it is possible to obtain a student license?
Thank you in advance.
Olivier De Neef