I want to change the highlight color of a selected row. But, I can't.
Could you tell me how to do it?
I'm using PatternFill.CreateSolidFill to add colors to some of my spreadsheet cells, and it works fine.
But when I come to reset those colors back to 'normal' , their borders have gone:
Here, I apply the fill to some cells, but want to reset the color where the formatting rules does not apply. I am applying a solid fill, like:
PatternFill.CreateSolidFill(ThemableColor.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255))
..but this is where the border goes away.
How should I reset the border as well as the original color ?
I have issues in my application which makes use of HTML formatted text in RadLabel. The issue I have is that spaces between words can get lost. This is easy to reproduce using the your latest demo application for Winforms R1 2023 SP1.
See this screen shot which shows there are spaces between every word.
I believe this issue manifests in grid view and probably all other controls which render HTML based text.
I need a Solution for export Thai (or any other complex Language) document as pdf. Is there any solution for now?
I'm using Telerik rich Text editor for windows form
We have a few devs usiing Telerik. With 1 dev, we're seeing autogenerated designer code use "this._____" when it doesn't include this with other devs. We're also seeing event handlers disappear from the designer code for the same dev.
Example git diff:
Is this some particular setting or version doing this? I can't seem to get to the root of the issue.
Hi Telerik supportteam,
I’ve found something interesting around filtering combined with a CustomGroupComparer on a RadGridView. To illustrate the situation I added a small example application.
Start the application, create a groupBy on e.g. TwoStateCheckbox column, expand some of the groups.
Now, filter on e.g. Name (contains ‘7’).
All the groups get collapsed.
My own analyses:
With a breakpoint on rule 21 in the CustomGroupComparer, I see that dataGroup.IsExpanded is false, even when the group in the grid is expanded.
With a custom group comparer, Telerik does something with a groupBuilder. It suggests that groups are cloned? If that’s the case I guess the IsExpanded property is not set correctly. Sounds like a bug to me. Can you confirm this and how can I work around this??
By the way: without a customGroupComparer it works ok but we need the custom thing.
Daniel Kaya
Hi Everyone,
I use a RadTreeView control on my form. I have a client table and a project table. Both tables have a DeletionStatus boolean field/property.
This is how I set the control up:
this.tvProjectClient.DataSource = clientBindingSource;
this.tvProjectClient.DisplayMember = "FullName";
this.tvProjectClient.ValueMember = "ClientId";
this.tvProjectClient.RadContextMenu = this.rcmProject;
this.tvProjectClient.RelationBindings.Add(new RelationBinding(this.projectBindingSource, "Name", "ClientId", "ClientId", "ProjectId"));
Now i want to create a FilterDescriptor to filter DeletionStatus to false on the Client table to be like:
FilterDescriptor filterDescriptor = new FilterDescriptor(); filterDescriptor.Value = "False"; filterDescriptor.Operator = FilterOperator.IsEqualTo; filterDescriptor.PropertyName = "DeletionStatus";
My question is, how to I change the property name to reference the client (or project) table for DeletionStatus? I have tried Client.DeletionStatus and ClientRow.DeletionStatus but the control does not register it.
Any ideas? I do not want to change field names if possible.
Many thanks, JB