Hi all,
I wish to open a DropDown list in a context menu when a user right click on a GridView cell and handle the click event on an element of this DropDown list.
I am a bit lost between the GridView context menu documentation and the one specific to general context menus
I tried using the RadMenuComboItem (as described in this document) but the result is no satisfactory.
Would someone have a simple example on how to do this ?
Many thanks
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the behaviour of the Spreadsheet column 'autoFitWidth' method?
It does exactly what it says, and changes the column width to fit the contents of the column. My problem is that it's TOO good, and everything looks a bit squashed:
What I would like is to add a bit extra to the columns :
I think it just looks a bit more friendly.
I've been searching now for hours for something that should be simple so I ask it here.
The radGridView got a area where columnheaders can be dropped. The panel has the default text: Drag a column here to group .... See also the attached image.
I want to change the height of that area but can't figure out how. Help would be appreciated.
Hello everyone!
EDIT: Also read the comment!
I'm currently moving some projects from DotNetBar to Telerik UI WinForms and trying a bit around the HTML makrup feature.
Is there a way to hook to an event to provide a custom way to resolve the "src" attribute of the "img" node, like in DotNetBar (see picture)? I searched thorugh all the assemblies using the IDE and I searched throw the forum, but yet I'm still not sure if there is maybe already an option for and I just can't find it.
With this custom handling it would be possible to use already loaded images or provide images from a custom destination e.g. from a ResX file. All my images and icons are stored in ResX files and I really want to avoid to put some of icons also as embedded ressource because they are already available within a resource file itself.
(Tagged as "Label" as "Markup" or "Html" does not exists and here I want to put the text into a RadLabel.)
how can i do?
i need to Mantain the value of text when not match with the list radmulticolumncombobox
I seem to spend a lot of time searching through the properties of controls, trying to find out why one looks just a little bit different from another.
Todays example:
why is the (x) button slightly out of allignment with the other three ?
Does anyone know of a way to do a comparison of all of the properties of two controls of the same type (even when those controls are LayoutControlItems) to make this easier? Telerik adds so many more properties, many of which are only visible in the Telerik property Builder UI, and that is modal, and has loads of properties to check.
Any ideas? Or is there a simpler way of doing this?
So if I wanted to modify a value (example: Visible = Collapse) in this highlighted element of RadScheduler. How do I do that?
I am trying to mousedown on a appointment in the scheduler and want to grab the EventId and place into a variable that I declared.
My Scheduler is in Timeline / Resource View mode.
private void radScheduler1_AppointmentMouseDown(object sender, SchedulerAppointmentMouseEventArgs e)
Here is some sample code:
Imports Telerik.WinControls
Imports Telerik.WinControls.UI
Public Class RadForm1
Private Sub RadForm1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For x = 0 To 1999999999
RadMessageBox.Show("You will never see this.", "Nope", MessageBoxButtons.OK, RadMessageIcon.Info)
End Sub
End Class
What you'll see is, the overlay will appear and disappear as expected. However the radmessagebox will never appear.
If you comment out the overlay lines, then the message box will appear.
Looks like a threading issue, but I'll leave that to the professionals to figure out. =)