I have a radgridview bindingsource that is being filtered using cell values. How do I prevent the bindingsource from being re-filtered when cell values change?
Is there a reason why tooltips can not be set at Design Time on buttons?
Thank you
Is there no API that basically provides?
It looked okay at first because it was implemented like the code below. However, pressing Next Button will not update on days other than that month.
private void radCalendar1_ElementRender(object sender, RenderElementEventArgs e)
if (e.Day.Date.Year == DateTime.Now.Year
&& e.Day.Date.Month == DateTime.Now.Month
&& e.Day.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
e.Element.ForeColor = Color.Red;
After, Next Button Click
I want to change the VALUE of the button button per row.
1) Look at this column to determine button value, (3) if tick I want to show "IFC->" and if not ticked I want to show "->IFC" ( For info : IFC stand for Interface Contract)
2) I also tried to add a column in the DATASOURCE. But struggle to make the field a button. This is also option I I can get this to be a button
//* The IFC Button
GridViewCommandColumn ifc_action = new GridViewCommandColumn();
ifc_action.HeaderText = "IFC Action";
ifc_action.DataType = typeof(string);
ifc_action.DefaultText = "->IFC";
ifc_action.UseDefaultText = true;
ifc_action.FieldName = "btn_ifc_action";
Is there any prop or name to set remove a grid border?
As of now I am using grid component from kendo react and it looks like a iframe in my website. So, I want to remove grid border so that it looks like on the page!
Hi there!
I'm programming in an old language so most of these events are a little buggy. Any formatting event throws by far the most bugs so I managed to go around them and make the programs work. However right now i need to change a column header color without using those events. I found in this site a way to change the cell color by using
THIS-OBJECT:gridCabecalhos:Rows[currentRowIndex]:Cells[currentColumnIndex]:Style:BackColor = THIS-OBJECT:currentColor
Is there a way to do the same to the column headers?
There is an application I wrote many years ago that queries Active Directory and allows a searchable directory for our users.
Now that I have the Telerik Libraries I'm considering whether converting to a GridView with a SearchRow might be a suitable replacement.
In the previous version of the application I would type in part of the users name and it would only show the users with a match.
In the Telerik Gridview using a Searchrow it finds the same users, and more, but doesn't filter the users. I would like it to only display the users where there is a match.
Also is there a way to customize the look of the search row? I would like to remove the entries highlighted on the right side as they aren't necessary. I would also like the search row box to extend all the width of the form.
Changed font and height of navigation bar.
However, you cannot change the size and location of the Previous/next button. What should I do?
In Microsoft Controls, you have a Web Browser.
In Télrik, that is a solution ? becaus i don't want use a Microssoft Controls
I need AutoComplete functionality for RadTextBoxControl that will allow me to identify the object selected by the user.
Public Class Person
Public Property GuidPerson As Guid
Public Property FirstName As String
Public Property LastName As String
Public ReadOnly Property FullName As String
Return String.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName)
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(fName As String, lname As String)
GuidPerson = Guid.NewGuid
FirstName = fName
LastName = lname
End Sub
End Class
Public Class RadForm4
Private listPerson As New List(Of Person)
Public Sub New()
listPerson.Add(New Person("John", "Snow"))
listPerson.Add(New Person("Arya", "Stark"))
listPerson.Add(New Person("Brandon", "Stark"))
listPerson.Add(New Person("Catelyn", "Stark"))
RadTextBoxControl1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
RadTextBoxControl1.AutoCompleteDataSource = listPerson
RadTextBoxControl1.AutoCompleteDisplayMember = "FullName"
End Sub
Private Sub RadButton1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadButton1.Click
'HOW TAKE 'GuidPerson' from selected item in RadTextBoxControl1
End Sub
End Class
How to capture a user-selected object?
For example, in RadDropDownList I would do it like this:
Dim searchValue As Person = TryCast(RadDropDownList1.SelectedItem.DataBoundItem, Person)
I don't want to use RadAutoCompleteBox because I want to display the results text and not tokens