Hi folks. This will be a silly one for those of you who know but it's got me baffled.
I'm editing a Theme and need to adjust the tab's displayed at the top of a RadPageView. I expected to see RadPageViewPage in Visual Style Builder and found RadPageView easily enough but the UI for RadPageViewPage eludes me.
Does anyone know where I can find this in Visual Style Builder? Perhaps its an inherited control called something else?
[C# WinForm]
Regarding the Row Header (as shown in the figure below: (C7, C6,...,C1)
I can't seem to find a way to change the title forecolor on the RadRibbonForm to white on focus. The control buttons change to white but not the title. When the form is not in focus then the background changes to white and the text and controls are black. But when form is focused the background changes to dark blue and the text remains black.
I know I can change AllowAero to false to control colors on the title bar. However, making that change also seems to make it more difficult to grab the edges of the form for resizing. I am also using the Fluent theme. But I've tried with other themes to no avail.
Any possible solution for set Place Holder/Null Text in Radgriview Cell without editing mode
Winforms, c#, .net core 6, VS2022.
I googled to discover, in a very old post, that a gridview was only capable of exporting data from the whole grid unless a flag was set for it to ignore hidden columns/rows.
So I decided to hide columns/rows whilst exporting, then restore the original view afterwards.
But. Is there a clean method to retrieve the start/end column/row indexes or do I have to laboriously step through selected cells to find min/max index values for each cell?
Thanks in advance :)
I use RadGridView in WinForms. There is search field, when I set AllowSearchRow property to 'true'.
When I search there numbers everything is ok until I put separator of thousands. First screen 'Clipboard01' without separators.
Second and third screen 'Clipboard02' and 'Clipboard03' shows how it looks like when i put separator or write number without separator.
I will mention that numbers in grid have 'space' as separator of thousands.
How you can see nothing is found.
Have you any idea how to handle separators of thousands in the search engine?
I have a form with a splitcontainer with 2 splitpanel:
- splitpanelFilter
- splitpanelMain
/* SplitContainerMain */
/* */
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:AutoScroll = TRUE.
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle:Fill.
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:Location = NEW System.Drawing.Point(0, 0).
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:Name = "SplitContainerMain".
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:Orientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation:Horizontal.
/* */
/* */
/* */
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:RootElement:MinSize = NEW System.Drawing.Size(25, 25).
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:Size = NEW System.Drawing.Size(644, 480).
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:SplitterWidth = 2.
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:TabIndex = 1.
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:TabStop = FALSE.
THIS-OBJECT:SplitContainerMain:ThemeName = "Crystal".
/* */
/* splitPanelFilter */
/* */
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle:Top.
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:Location = NEW System.Drawing.Point(0, 0).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:Name = "splitPanelFilter".
/* */
/* */
/* */
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:RootElement:MinSize = NEW System.Drawing.Size(25, 25).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:Size = NEW System.Drawing.Size(644, 28).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:SizeInfo:AutoSizeScale = NEW System.Drawing.SizeF(Progress.Util.CastUtil:ToSingle(0), Progress.Util.CastUtil:ToSingle(-0.4393305)).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:SizeInfo:SplitterCorrection = NEW System.Drawing.Size(0, -192).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:TabIndex = 0.
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:TabStop = FALSE.
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelFilter:ThemeName = "Crystal".
/* */
/* BtnFilterDefault */
/* */
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:Image = CAST(resources:GetObject("BtnFilterDefault.Image"), System.Drawing.Image).
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:Location = NEW System.Drawing.Point(3, 3).
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:Name = "BtnFilterDefault".
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:Size = NEW System.Drawing.Size(73, 22).
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:TabIndex = 0.
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:Text = "Filtres".
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:TextAlignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment:MiddleRight.
THIS-OBJECT:BtnFilterDefault:ThemeName = "Crystal".
/* */
/* splitPanelMain */
/* */
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:Location = NEW System.Drawing.Point(0, 31).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:Name = "splitPanelMain".
/* */
/* */
/* */
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:RootElement:MinSize = NEW System.Drawing.Size(25, 25).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:Size = NEW System.Drawing.Size(644, 450).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:SizeInfo:AutoSizeScale = NEW System.Drawing.SizeF(Progress.Util.CastUtil:ToSingle(0), Progress.Util.CastUtil:ToSingle(0.4393305)).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:SizeInfo:SplitterCorrection = NEW System.Drawing.Size(0, 192).
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:TabIndex = 1.
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:TabStop = FALSE.
THIS-OBJECT:splitPanelMain:ThemeName = "Crystal".
I want to dynamically manage the size of the Split Panels on the click of a button.
I have a variable iHeight= 30.
If I click I increase the height of the SplitPanelFilter by (28 + iHeigth) and I decrease the height of the SplitPanelMain (450 - iHeigth)
And conversely when I click again on the button ==> default position
Hello community!!!
Is there any way we can change the BackColors of bar behind icon? To something custom.
Thank you for your time!!!
PS: There is no TaskDialog tag into Tags field!!!