it doesn't work for me. I don't know why...
My code try to build the code with parameters in a table, later I try to add calculatedfield, but I can't see the calculated field in the list... I think is the part of "The important part here is to add the custom field before setting the ItemsSource property", but I don't know how to manage it with my code...
My code:
Me.RadPivotGrid1.AggregatesPosition = PivotAxis.Columns
'cierro conexión
'abro conexión
'borro y cojo el detalle de apuntes del mes
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Profesionales].[dbo].[COSTES_cubos] where trim(cubo)=trim('" & numcubo & "') order by cubo, tipo, orden "
oCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, conexion)
oCommand.CommandTimeout = 0
oCommand.CommandText = strSQL
dataResult = oCommand.ExecuteReader()
If dataResult.HasRows Then
Do While dataResult.Read()
If dataResult.Item("tipo") = 1 Then
'strSQL = Me.Ini_SQL
strSQL = dataResult.Item("texto").ToString.Trim()
oCommand2 = New SqlCommand(strSQL, conexion)
oCommand2.CommandText = strSQL
oCommand2.CommandTimeout = 0
Cube_DataAdapter2 = New SqlDataAdapter(oCommand2)
Cube_DataSet2 = New DataSet()
Cube_DataAdapter2.Fill(Cube_DataSet2, "SQL")
End If
If dataResult.Item("tipo") = 2 Then
'Asigno valores
pivotRow = New PropertyGroupDescription()
pivotRow.PropertyName = dataResult.Item("texto").ToString.Trim()
pivotRow.CustomName = dataResult.Item("alias").ToString.Trim()
End If
If dataResult.Item("tipo") = 3 Then
'Asigno valores
pivotCol = New PropertyGroupDescription()
' Dim pivotC = New PropertyAggregateDescription()
pivotCol.PropertyName = dataResult.Item("texto").ToString.Trim()
pivotCol.CustomName = dataResult.Item("alias").ToString.Trim()
End If
If dataResult.Item("tipo") = 4 Then
'Asigno valores
pivotVal = New PropertyAggregateDescription()
pivotVal.PropertyName = dataResult.Item("texto").ToString.Trim()
pivotVal.CustomName = dataResult.Item("alias").ToString.Trim()
pivotVal.StringFormat = dataResult.Item("formato").ToString.Trim()
pivotVal.AggregateFunction = AggregateFunctions.Sum
End If
If dataResult.Item("tipo") = 5 Then
Dim description As New PropertyFilterDescription()
Dim condition As New ComparisonCondition()
condition.Condition = Telerik.Pivot.Core.Filtering.Comparison.Equals
'condition.Than = "UK"
description.PropertyName = dataResult.Item("texto").ToString.Trim()
'description.Condition = condition
description.CustomName = dataResult.Item("alias").ToString.Trim()
End If
If dataResult.Item("tipo") = 6 Then
Dim propGroupDescription As PropertyGroupDescription = DirectCast(Me.RadPivotGrid1.RowGroupDescriptions(0), PropertyGroupDescription)
If dataResult.Item("sort").ToString.Trim() = "Ascending" Then
propGroupDescription.SortOrder = Telerik.Pivot.Core.SortOrder.Ascending
propGroupDescription.SortOrder = Telerik.Pivot.Core.SortOrder.Descending
End If
propGroupDescription.GroupComparer = New GrandTotalComparer() With {
.AggregateIndex = dataResult.Item("orden")
End If
End If
Me.RadPivotGrid1.DataSource = Cube_DataSet2
Me.RadPivotGrid1.DataMember = "SQL"
Using RadPivotGrid1.PivotGridElement.DeferRefresh()
Dim calculatedField As New CommissionCalculatedField()
calculatedField.Name = "Commission"
DirectCast(Me.RadPivotGrid1.DataProvider, LocalDataSourceProvider).CalculatedFields.Add(calculatedField)
End Using
''Cargo layout por defecto
'If Me.Ini_Layout <> "" Then
' Me.RadPivotGrid1.LoadLayout(Me.Ini_Layout)
'End If
'Cargo grafico
Me.RadChartView.DataSource = Me.RadPivotGrid1
Dim verticalAxis As New LinearAxis()
'verticalAxis.AxisType = AxisType.Second
Dim horizontalAxis As New CategoricalAxis()
horizontalAxis.LabelFitMode = AxisLabelFitMode.MultiLine
Me.RadChartView.ChartElement.LegendElement.Visibility = Telerik.WinControls.ElementVisibility.Visible
'Me.RadChartView.ChartElement.LegendPosition = LegendPosition.Right
Me.RadChartView.ChartElement.LegendElement.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter
'Configuracion totales grafico
Me.RadPivotGrid1.ChartDataProvider.IncludeRowSubTotals = False
Me.RadPivotGrid1.ChartDataProvider.IncludeColumnSubTotals = False
Me.RadPivotGrid1.ChartDataProvider.IncludeRowGrandTotals = False
Me.RadPivotGrid1.ChartDataProvider.IncludeColumnGrandTotals = False
'Oculto grafico
Me.SplitContainer2.Panel2Collapsed = True
Me.SplitContainer1.Panel1Collapsed = True
Me.RadChartView.Title = Me.Titulo
'cierro conexión
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End Try
and the class:
I have a RadSplitButton that I build menuItems programmatically. But, I can't figure out how to capture a click event when the menuItem is clicked.
The reason I'm doing it this way is because I have a RadbuttonTextbox with the RadSplitButton on its LeftButtonsItems collection.
The RadSplitButton contains previously entered data in the TextBox. The textbox is a Key field for the form, so the radSplitbutton would be perfect for this use if I can get it to work.
statusbar elements rightside alignment
Hi ,
once I made change allowedit = false; noneditable
this scenario ,I need to edit paritcular column edit in Radlistview.
first picture is basic ui
second picture is telerik ui
When Adding a Label in a GridLayout
var element = new RadLabelElement() element.SetValue(GridLayout.ColSpanProperty, colspan); element.SetValue(GridLayout.RowIndexProperty, row); element.SetValue(GridLayout.ColumnIndexProperty, column);
I am having difficulty auto sizing my columns. I want fill the whole grid view but have the the columns with the 3 abbreviations (BSA, GIS, ETC) to be small always. When set to .AutoSizeColumnsMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill and .MasterTemplate.BestFitColumns() it is stretching out the WEB column. Is there a way to only allow the stretching to occur evenly on the first 4 columns but have the last 7 columns be small? Thanks!
Hello, I am trying to use the gridview to try to display data...this is kind of a work in progress as I don't know what best approach is that I should be taking to display the data or if I am even using the right control. I am trying to piece things together from some of the examples I can find. My questions are:
1. In the column named "img" is it possible to just hide that header and place the image next to the text?
2. Can those expanded columns be auto sized instead of manual sized?
3. Is there an example of a dropdown box in one of these expanded row?
Here is my rough code creating the expanded rows:
'create out custom datasource containing all the apps