I have an MDI RadForm with several Menu Items (File, Window, Help etc.)
When I open a new child window the Child Menu (Search) is put up in the MDI Menu but in the last position.
Can I change it to be placed between Window and Help?
I have other Child Form Menu's I would like to do this with as well.
I didn't see how I could order them (Event etc).
I have a Telerik WinForms project in Visual Studio Professional 2022 and I'm using only a few different Telerik controls. Nevertheless, with each build I have many Telerik .dlls in my bin folders of controls I'm actually not using in my project. How can I remove these unused files? They're not referenced in my project.
Thank you in advance and have a nice day!
I need to use a RadSyntaxEditor in ReadOnly mode and i want to disable the replace functionality while letting the user to search for a specified string.
I've tried to find a way to hide or disable the replace part in the Find Dialog, but I've had no success.
Any suggestion on how can I achieve this ?
A suggestion: It would be nice to have a read only property at the RadSyntaxEditor level that disable everithing that implies a modification to the text (editor, commands, find dialog and so on).
In chart below I had to use 2 category axes to get a trend line to appear in the same zone.
The only problem is that the line series is being drawn behind the stacked bars. I've tried adding axes in the opposite order, added the line series first, then after all the bar series. No difference.
I thought then maybe I could make the pale coloured bars translucent, but the CreateRenderer event isn't being called, I even tested that in a new project, so I gave up on that idea.
Another problem is that I've set the chart to showgrid = true. That's not being shown either.
Can somebody help please?
private void CreateChartComponents()
#region Code
_categoricalAxis1 = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.CategoricalAxis();
_categoricalAxis2 = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.CategoricalAxis();
_linearAxis1 = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.LinearAxis();
_categoricalAxis1.IsPrimary = true;
_categoricalAxis2.IsPrimary = true;
_categoricalAxis1.ShowLabels = false;
_categoricalAxis2.ShowLabels = false;
_categoricalAxis2.IsVisible = false;
_linearAxis1.AxisType = Telerik.Charting.AxisType.Second;
_linearAxis1.IsPrimary = true;
chart.Axes.AddRange(_categoricalAxis1, _linearAxis1, _categoricalAxis2);
_barSeriesNormal = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.BarSeries();
_barSeriesUnder = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.BarSeries();
_barSeriesOver = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.BarSeries();
_lineSeriesTrend = new Telerik.WinControls.UI.LineSeries();
_barSeriesNormal.HorizontalAxis = _categoricalAxis1;
_barSeriesUnder.HorizontalAxis = _categoricalAxis1;
_barSeriesOver.HorizontalAxis = _categoricalAxis1;
_lineSeriesTrend.HorizontalAxis = _categoricalAxis2;
_barSeriesNormal.VerticalAxis = _linearAxis1;
_barSeriesUnder.VerticalAxis = _linearAxis1;
_barSeriesOver.VerticalAxis = _linearAxis1;
_lineSeriesTrend.VerticalAxis = _linearAxis1;
_barSeriesNormal.CombineMode = Telerik.Charting.ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;
_barSeriesUnder.CombineMode = Telerik.Charting.ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;
_barSeriesOver.CombineMode = Telerik.Charting.ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;
var seriesColor = Color.FromArgb(68, 102, 163);
var trendColor = Color.Blue;
_barSeriesUnder.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue;
_barSeriesUnder.BorderColor = Color.AliceBlue;
_barSeriesUnder.LegendTitle = "Under Performance";
_barSeriesOver.BorderColor = seriesColor;
_barSeriesOver.BackColor = seriesColor;
_barSeriesOver.Shape = customShape1;
_barSeriesOver.LegendTitle = "Over Performance";
_barSeriesNormal.BorderColor = seriesColor;
_barSeriesNormal.BackColor = seriesColor;
_barSeriesNormal.LegendTitle = "Expected Performance";
_lineSeriesTrend.BorderColor = trendColor;
_lineSeriesTrend.BackColor = trendColor;
_lineSeriesTrend.LegendTitle = "Trend";
chart.Series.AddRange(_barSeriesNormal, _barSeriesUnder, _barSeriesOver, _lineSeriesTrend);
chart.ShowGrid = true;
catch (Exception err)
}// function
Winforms. Jan 2022 software version.
I'm converting a very old version of teechart chart into Telerik RadChartView
What I'm seeing is this
What I want is, as in the following chart, where the stacked bars are overlayed with a trend line.
In the above, the stacked bar and line series are both using the same horizontal category axis but the line chart is following on from, rather than overlaying the stacked bars. I did try creating a 2nd category axis but then the auto scaling of the 2nd axis wasnt the same as the first. Stacking the line series didn't work either
How do I fix this please? There's only 2 points defined for the trend chart.
Hi. Winforms. telerik Version=2022.1.118.40.
I'm trying to migrate an old TeeChart across to radchartview as part of moving 3rd party components to support 64 bit. Ive included the teechart and radchartview screen shots and a small app I extracted from my main solution. The data used to produce each chart is in the app although I stripped out the trend line. Mad colours used to highlight the zones. I've not worked on telerik version very much until I can see something that looks correct.
Chart is supposed to represent performance/compliance in exercising. Under + Normal should add up to 100%. Over represents over performance. I use "under" as the chart needs to highlight zero as a valid column.
I can't understand the mad chart I'm seeing.
i have a RadGridView with a TableAdapter.
The TableAdapter is Filled with a View from a SQL Database.
In a 2. Form i modified the data with a Updatecommand.
How can i update the Data in the 1 Form/GridView??
Here my Code.
Private Sub BindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click
If ValidateChildren() = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
Me.ObjektdatenTableAdapter.UpdateObjekt(txtObjektname.Text, rdlStrassen.Text, txtHausnummer.Text, txtPLZ.Text,
txtOrt.Text, System.DateTime.Now, CInt(rdlBegehungsintervall.SelectedValue), txtMeldernummer.Text,
picObjekt.ImageLocation, CInt(rdlobjekttyp.SelectedValue), CInt(rdlsachgebiet.SelectedValue),
rdpletzteFeuerbeschau.Value, rdpNaechsteFeuerbeschau.Value, CInt(lblObjektNr.Text))
'Catch ex As Exception
'End Try
End Sub
V_objektdatenTableAdapter is the Adapter in the 1. Form
Thanks Udo
I could not find Shape tool in RadRichTextBox under insert in menu bar.
Please find attached.