I am using Kendo React version:4.5.0 for Date Picker. For the DatePicker I am using format="MM/dd/yyyy" and formatPlaceholder={{ year : 'YYYY', month : 'MM', day : 'DD' }}.
For this I have two queries:
1. How to have the focus to change automatically from MM to DD to YYYY when the user is typing in the date? Right now we have to use left and right arrow keys to move.
2. Right now the when the user type in the date for example in the YYYY the year is being input from right to left. So, how to have that implemented from left to right ?
Im trying to create a custom cell with drag and cell selection and its look it is not possible because I dont have the original `<td/>` in the `GridCellProps`.
Here you have an example:
I found a "workaround" but I dont know if this is the correct way to do that:
In Grid the prop cellRender do you have the original td allowing to override some props but without the need to know all internal props. Would be great if you can do that in the `GridColumn`.
I dont want to override the cellRender in the Grid and i dont want to know about data-grid-col-index.
Any suggestions?
PDFExport, pageTemplate has 2 props, pageNum & totalPages.
Is it possible to send some custom values over props to "pageTemplate"?
Thank you, Matjaz Reberc
I am trying to display a list of images with buttons that delete them when clicked. I'm using the Upload component and utilizing the 'listItemUI' attribute and it works wonderfully. However, I am trying to reverse the order of the elements displayed so that the most recent is at the top and the least recent is at the bottom.
CustomListItemUI(e) {
return (
<ul id="custom-list-item-UL">
{e.files.map((el, index) => {
if (el.Thumbnail_URL) {
return (
<div className="k-file-single">
<img src={el.Thumbnail_URL} onClick={() => this.toggleDialog(el)} />
onClick={async () => {
await this.props.deleteImage(el.ID);
<span aria-label="Remove" title="Remove" className="k-icon k-i-delete">
} else {
return (
<li key={index}>
<Loader errorsPresent={el.validationErrors} />
el.ID || el.validationErrors?.length >= 0 ? <button
onClick={async () => {
<span aria-label="Remove" title="Remove" className="k-icon k-i-delete">
: null
I have tried sorting the data that goes into the <ul> and it doesn't make a difference.
I have tried putting display: flex, and flex-direction: column-reverse, and this works but places the scroller at the bottom with the most early upload (which is also not what I want). Is there some kind of sorting attribute or method I can use to achieve what I want?
In the example here: https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/buttons/button/
you use the "any" type for the event return. What is the proper type to use, and if "any" is really correct, please explain why. I usually think of "any" as the type to use when I don't understand what the proper type I should be using is. (same with newLogs though I'm not using logs, just seems unusual to see "any" used in library docs)
const ButtonContainer = () => {
const [logs, setLogs] = React.useState([]);
const handleDomEvent = (event: any) => {
let newLogs: any = logs.slice();
return (
My Button
<EventLog title="Event Log" logs={logs} />
I notice that when I set a button background color, clicking on that styled button gives no indication of whether the button is clicked. Is there a proper way to change the color of a button and still have it behave like a button (that is, show indication when clicked).
<Button icon="cut" title="On Peak" style={{ backgroundColor: "red" }} >
On Peak
Is it possible to add line marker to the legend, so that if we choose rectangle for marker style we get a little rectangle in the legend?
I can alter the text and color by customizing "labels" prop but it still shows just line, no matter what marker type is selected.
I was wondering if it is possible (and how ;)) to only show a loader if (for example) an API call exceeds a certain amount of milliseconds. Something like this:
if (datanotyetready) {
<Loader />
else {
// Render a grid or something
i am using react and the program does not use Jquery. i want to achieve this:
A way to clear all active filters from a single button above the grid. but while this example works with droplist. ive tried to apply it wo GridColumnMenuFilter and its CheckBox filter. such that the examples (eg, custom component or checkbox) below would have a clear button above the grid that clears filters.
i've also tried to apply the FilterBy using the clear in js but am certain i am implementing that properly. shown in image. i can make use if th eis active to style it so far.
I want to implement multi select for multiple rows in a grid.
Currently I have this implementation in example docs - https://stackblitz.com/run/?file=app/main.jsx . But in this example only one row is selectable and when I select another row it cancels out the previous selected one.
Can you guys please help me with a work around or is this a limitation of the API where I can select multiple rows at the same time with select all option and manually. I tried making selectable mode to multiple but it didn't help.