I'm using a ref to access the 'Upload' react element and fire the onRemove method. My assumption is that it will interact with my removeURL using the DELETE method which I've specified. However, I can only get the image to disappear from the state, and no HTTP Request is fired. What can I do to get this HTTP method fired?
We are using the auto complete component that does a fetch for server side data based on the users entered text. We need to take action once they select an item from the list.
I don't see an onSelected event for the Autocomplete box. We did see it on (I believe) the combo box. Image of event attached.
We tried the combo box but didn't get the functionality we were looking for with the typeahead search.
The closest thing I found to working around the issue was to use itemRender and attach the click event to the div, but this is more of a hack as you can click just outside the div and still select what you want without firing the onclick.
Here is the current autocomplete code
I am using a Kendo React Grid inside a Kendo React Dialog Window component.
When the Window first displays the user inputs a value in a text input and clicks a button to load the grid. The Grid seems to appear behind the Window. I tried adding the:
.k-animation-container { z-index: 10003; }
Some additional information:
When I open the Dialog Window I see this:
If I type an order number and click "View" I see this:
Part of the top of the grid where the headers should be and the scroll bar appear. That tells me the data loaded and the React state variable updated and caused the grid to redraw.
If I click the minimize icon in the window header and then the click restore icon I see the data:
I can share the code if it helps.
If i only use a few react components from your product, can i only package these components in my release and not used components will not be included?
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to load and set the resources from an api call as you can see in the following code with the line in resources with: "data: this.state.vehicles".
import React, {Component} from "react";
import {Scheduler, TimelineView} from "@progress/kendo-react-scheduler";
import {Day, ZonedDate} from "@progress/kendo-date-math";
import {guid} from "@progress/kendo-react-common";
import TaskForm from "../components/TaskForm"
import {TaskItem} from "../components/TaskItem";
import axios from "axios";
class DriveShiftsSchedulerPage extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
data: [],
date: new Date,
vehicles: []
this.handleDataChange = this.handleDataChange.bind(this);
this.handleDateChange = this.handleDateChange.bind(this);
loadWeekDriveShiftsAndVehicles(date) {
let curr = new Date(date);
let first = curr.getDate() - curr.getDay() + 1;
let last = first + 6;
let startDate = new Date(curr.setDate(first));
let endDate = new Date(curr.setDate(last));
startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
endDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
const config = {
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${this.props.token}`,
axios.get("api/getVehiclesAndDriveShifts?start_date=" + this.convertToPhpDateTime(startDate) +
"&end_date=" + this.convertToPhpDateTime(endDate), config)
.then(res => {
vehicles: res.data[0].map(dataItem => (
text: dataItem.label,
value: dataItem.id,
color: "#5392E4"
componentDidMount() {
let curr = new Date;
handleDataChange({created, updated, deleted}) {
data: this.state.data.filter((item) => deleted.find(current => current.TaskID === item.TaskID) === undefined)
.map((item) => updated.find(current => current.TaskID === item.TaskID) || item)
.concat(created.map((item) => Object.assign({}, item, {TaskID: guid()})))
let data = (created.length !== 0) ? created : (updated.length !== 0) ? updated : deleted;
let crudId = (created.length !== 0) ? 1 : (updated.length !== 0) ? 0 : -1;
const mechanicId = data[0].PersonIDs;
data = data.map(item => ({
id: item.TaskID,
start_date: this.convertToPhpDateTime(item.Start),
end_date: this.convertToPhpDateTime(item.End),
comment: item.Comment !== undefined ? item.Comment : null,
task_template_id: item.TaskTemplateId !== undefined ? item.TaskTemplateId.id : null,
vehicle_id: item.VehicleId !== undefined ? item.VehicleId.id : null,
user_time_spent: null,
task_state_id: item.TaskStateId !== undefined ? item.TaskStateId.id : 2,
priority_id: item.PriorityId !== undefined ? item.PriorityId.id : 3,
periodicity_end_date: null,
created_user_id: this.props.userId,
changed_user_id: this.props.userId,
active: true,
deadline_execution: null,
title: item.Title
const config = {
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${this.props.token}`
axios.post("api/saveTask", {
data: data[0],
crudId: crudId,
mechanicId: mechanicId
}, config).then(res => {
handleDateChange(event) {
const newDate = event.value instanceof ZonedDate ? event.value._utcDate : event.value;
const oldDate = this.state.date;
if (oldDate.getWeekNumber() !== newDate.getWeekNumber()) {
date: newDate
render() {
return (
id: "TaskID",
title: "Title",
description: "Comment",
start: "Start",
end: "End",
projectId: "ProjectId",
vehicleId: "VehicleId",
taskTemplateId: "TaskTemplateId",
recurrenceRule: "RecurrenceRule",
recurrenceId: "RecurrenceID",
recurrenceExceptions: "RecurrenceException",
color: "color"
add: true,
remove: true,
drag: true,
resize: true,
edit: true
resources: ["Vehicles"],
orientation: "vertical"
name: "Vehicles",
data: this.state.vehicles,
field: "VehicleIDs",
valueField: "value",
textField: "text",
colorField: "color"
<TimelineView title="Timeline View"
loadWeekTasks(date) {
let curr = new Date(date);
let first = curr.getDate() - curr.getDay() + 1;
let last = first + 6;
let startDate = new Date(curr.setDate(first));
let endDate = new Date(curr.setDate(last));
startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
endDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
const config = {
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${this.props.token}`,
axios.get("api/getTasks?start_date=" + this.convertToPhpDateTime(startDate) +
"&end_date=" + this.convertToPhpDateTime(endDate), config)
.then(res => {
data: res.data.map(dataItem => (
TaskID: dataItem.id,
Start: this.parseAdjust(dataItem.start_date),
End: this.parseAdjust(dataItem.end_date),
isAllDay: false,
ProjectId: {
id: dataItem.template !== null ? dataItem.template.vehicle.project.id : (dataItem.vehicle !== null ? dataItem.vehicle.project.id : undefined),
projectId: dataItem.template !== null ? dataItem.template.vehicle.project.project_id : (dataItem.vehicle !== null ? dataItem.vehicle.project.project_id : undefined)
VehicleId: {
id: dataItem.template !== null ? dataItem.template.vehicle.id : (dataItem.vehicle !== null ? dataItem.vehicle.id : undefined),
label: dataItem.template !== null ? dataItem.template.vehicle.label : (dataItem.vehicle !== null ? dataItem.vehicle.label : undefined)
TaskTemplateId: {
id: dataItem.template !== null ? dataItem.template.id : undefined,
title: dataItem.template !== null ? dataItem.template.title : undefined
TaskStateId: {
id: dataItem.task_state_id
PriorityId: {
id: dataItem.priority_id
Comment: dataItem.comment === null ? undefined : dataItem.comment,
Title: dataItem.title === null ? undefined : dataItem.title,
PersonIDs: dataItem.users[0].id,
convertToPhpDateTime(date) {
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
const day = date.getDate();
const hours = date.getHours();
const minutes = date.getMinutes();
const seconds = date.getSeconds();
return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
parseAdjust(date) {
return new Date(date);
export default DriveShiftsSchedulerPage;
It happens that the vertical scroll bar is shown without being needed. In my case it shows the vertical scroll bar and it isn't needed at all because of the few elements that are loaded. I also get an Warning saying `NaN` is an invalid value for the `width` css style property.
This problem doesn't happen if I set the resources data explicitly like for example:
data: [ {text: "Sascha", value: 35, color: "#5392E4"}, {text: "Alex", value: 39, color: "#5392E4"}, {text: "Daniel", value: 91, color: "#5392E4"}, {text: "Planned", value: 200, color: "#5392E4"} ]
So I ask, is there a way to load the resources data on the componentDidMount method from an api, and have everything working well with the scheduler as like the data was inserted explicitly like on the code above?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
I have an existing web application where I'm trying to introduce new functionality using React and KendoReact. I am using npm but not webpack.
I can successfully load the scripts per the instructions (both from the CDN as shown, and from the npm packages using the versions in the dist/cdn directories).
However, it's complaining about the license not being activated:
Progress KendoReact
kendo-react-intl.js:1 License activation failed for @progress/kendo-react-intl
No license found.
The Dojo examples on the instruction page exhibit this behavior too.
I've installed and activated the kendo-licensing package per the instructions, and included the now-licensed dist/index.js script in my page before any other KendoReact scripts. I still get the licensing error, though.
Is there any way to license an application that's only using prebuilt scripts?
I am trying to animate a shape (circle) to slide from left to right. I see that there are Animations components available and I have gone through examples. However, since all examples are made as Class components, and the way I draw the shape is with function component drawCircle(), I'm having trouble understanding how to access the circle object inside the component where I'm actually doing the animation.
import { Circle, geometry } from '@progress/kendo-drawing';
const { Circle: GeomCircle } = geometry;
export default function drawCircle(surface) {
const geometry = new GeomCircle([ window.innerWidth / 2, window.innerHeight / 2 ], 40);
const circle = new Circle(geometry, {
stroke: { color: "red", width: 1 },
fill: {color: "red"},
import * as React from 'react';
import { Zoom } from '@progress/kendo-react-animation';
class AnimateCircle extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { show: true };
onClick = () => {
show: !this.state.show
render() {
const { show } = this.state;
const children = show ? (<p>Effect</p>) : null;
return (
<button className="k-button" onClick={this.onClick}>Animate</button>
export default AnimateCircle;
Hi All
I am using the below functional component.
It triggers the function setGridState1 when any sort, filter, etc changes are made but the rows do no actually change in the grid.
Is there something simple that I could be missing here
const ReferralListSeg: React.FC<ReferralListSecProps> = (props: ReferralListSecProps) => {
const [referrals, setReferrals] = React.useState<Referral[]>([]);
const [gridState, setGridState] = React.useState({ filter: null, group: null, skip: 0, sort: null, take: 100, editField: undefined });
const setGridState1 = (e) => {
const { filter, group, skip, sort, take } = e.dataState;
const newState = { filter, group, skip, sort, take, editField: undefined };
const totalRecords = (): number => {
return referrals.length;
React.useEffect(() => {
axios.get(apiAppendCode(apiURL('/ClientReferralsOpen/' + props.clientid)))
.then((response) => {
}, (error) => {
}, []);
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [gridState, setGridState]);
return (
<div className="container-fluid">
{referrals &&
<Column sortable={true} field="createdon" title="Created" width="150px" cell={KendoGridDateCell} />
<Column field="name" title="Name" width="250px" />
<Column field="status" title="Status" cell={KendoGridRefStatusCell} />
<Column filterable={false} cell={KendoGridNavRefCell} width="180px" />