Hi, there are three issue in my demo, please check. and if you find any message please give me replay, Thank a lot.
1. All rows become expanded by default.
2. Click the minus sign. The row detail data is not updated.
3. Group-level expansion does not work properly
Hi Team,
I am trying to implement aggregate in my grid which is written in class component.
I have to display aggregate both at top and bottom(in corresponding column) while doing grouping. I am unable to get "groupFooter as rowtype option while writing cellRender function.
Const cellRender = (tdElement, cellProps) =>{
The error displayed is
ERROR in ./node_modules/@progress/kendo-react-popup/index.mjs
I followed these instructions from https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/getting-started/
npx create-kendoreact-app
Below is my configuration
? What is the name of your project? demoapp
? Do you want to use TypeScript? No
? Do you want to use SASS? Yes
? Which Kendo UI Theme do you want to use?
❯ default
after this i entered the directory and performed
npm i npm run start
I get errors like
ERROR in './node_modules/@progress/kendo-react-layout/...'
This is a NEW Project with React 18 and Node 18.15
Why can't I use the Grid component inside the Drawer? The scroll disappears, and when scrolling occurs, it happens on the page and not within the grid. I created an example containing two grids. As you can see, the top grid has scrolling, but when inserted inside the Drawer, the scrolling no longer appears
Oq8tmu (forked) - StackBlitz
These display: flex settings are responsible for this. I don't understand why, and what can I do to fix that?
I have a project using KendoUI with NextJS 14 and using Turbo pack, I upgraded to 7.0.1 because it said "now with next support" but I am getting errors like this:
There are types at '/app/apps/myproject/node_modules/@progress/kendo-react-grid/index.d.ts',
but this result could not be resolved when respecting package.json "exports". The '@progress/kendo-react-grid' library
may need to update its package.json or typings.
Hi team,
we were trying to add plus svg icon in kendo grid row.
1. if there is no record plus should appear to add new record,
2.if there is some data present let say 10 then plus icon should appear after 10th record.
could you please help me with the possible way to implement.
Iam attaching a screenshot just for reference.
is it a bug?
SpreadsheetComponent.js Module parse failed: Unexpected token (70877:38) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | let ref = sheet.activeCell(); | let range = new Range$1(ref, sheet); | this.trigger('message', { ...options, name, ref, range }); | }.bind(this)); | }