Hi, In my application I have a sorting by both Column header click and by column menu. React
I am able to sort multiple columns only by column header click. Events triggerred in these headers click properly maintains their sort state variable, preserving the whole previous user inputs
But at the same time, I am not able to sort multi columns via column menu option. The event.sort for these events trigger only the current sort applied but not maintaining the previous inputs of it... The Grid refreshes everytime the new column menu input sort is provided
So, I need maintain a state combining both the sorting forms.
Any solutions to have a common state or to prevent the tefresh ?
And one more add on, I have given sortable.mode = multiple and sortable.allowUnsort = true.... How do we get to know the field name when unsort is applied, the event.sort simply returns an array and no info on the field name
Is there a way to get the treeview to work with multiple levels deep?
I've added an extra level here but it's not expanding:
For stacked bar chart requirement is to add border to target value. I have tried with ChartSeriesItem .
It is always at top of the bar chart. what is option to put this border where target value is ends. not at bar ends
I am trying to achieve below one. border should show where actual target value is ends.
I've tried to use the Rating component with the below code. But the icons aren't rendering.
import { Rating } from "@progress/kendo-react-inputs";
function RatingExample() {
return <Rating />
export default RatingExample;
Taking a quick peak into the html shows a list of span - which makes sense.
<span dir="ltr" data-half="false" title="1" class="k-rating-item"><span class="k-icon k-i-star-outline-icon" role="presentation"></span></span>
The Icon is different from the one listed here. To check it I made a quick change:
<span class="k-icon k-i-star-outline" role="presentation"></span>
And it shows up.
It seems like there a small bug here, if I'm using the component wrong please advise.
Hi all,
Exists the possibility to setup a custom columnmenu filter like DataGrid? (Dropdown or, better, a GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter)
i wish to display my application health status .it will be boolean value...what is the right chart for this usecase
how to create. A heatmap with data that can be determined by 2 values like success failure and with different colors like red and green instead of light green and dark green
i do not need to show the boolean value inside cell.i just need labels on x and y axis which are also currently not display
I am facing a problem with my generated PDF. When the data is longer in a cell <td></td>< some of the text cannot be seen,
Please refer attachment (my code format .jsx) and the problem output generated PDF as below screenshot
Is there something I need to do to prevent this problem?
Hey Kendo - Team,
is there an example somewhere of how I can customise the Clear Filter icon? Currently it escapes the user as the difference is not clear enough and I would like to highlight it more clearly in the form of the corporate identity colour so that a set filter is more recognisable.
I would like to assign a style to our GridColumn abstraction that is applied to the class of the active clear icon.
k-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base k-rounded-md k-icon-button k-clear-button-visible
Thank you in advance.