I was trying to replicate "data binding" example mentioned in heatmap page using makeobject function.
However i m getting error as. " Cannot read properties of null reading toHSL' typescript cannot readt properties of nulltoHsl "
. The only change i made is instead of importing makedataobject as component i declared in the same component but that shouldn't cause this issue ideally.
The first example mentioned works fine but data binding doesn't.
Version of kendo react charts 5.12.1
Can anyone please help
currently when dialog is opened and browser focus is on URL bar and then user will press TAB to focus page, first focused element is first element on the page, not in dialog - you can check this behavior here (example from docs - https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/dialogs/examples/dialog/overview/func/?theme=default-ocean-blue&themeVersion=6.2.0)
Tested using Google Chrome 112.0.5615.49
1. Click on URL bar
2. Press tab until focus is on page
3. Button is getting focus even though the dialog is open
Can you confrim that this is a bug and it is not intended behavior?
I have a grid with single column "color":
[ {color:1}, {color:2}, {color:3} ]
[ {id: 1, name: "Red"}, {id: 2, name: "Blue"}, {id: 3, name: "Yellow"} ]
So the ComboBox displays the name of the color, and the value is the id of the color. Everything works fine so far. Now I want to use GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter as the column filter. But the filter shows [1, 2, 3] as the options because that is all the values of the column. How to show the color names instead?
I am unable to have the onItemClick event fire when selecting an item from the DropDownButton.
In my app the onItemClick seems to only fire if I double click on the item super fast. The item is contained within a bootstrap modal.
Your own demo appears to exhibit this same behavior as the Event Log never shows "item click" (https://www.telerik.com/kendo-react-ui/components/buttons/dropdownbutton/events/).
How can i add custom border style to only a certain column side on a multi column header treelist. I also wonder if is there a way to freeze several columns at left side of the list. Here i include a screenshot as an example to describe what i want to achive. I want give custom style to the part drawn in red. And also want to freeze columns on the left side of the red drawn column.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
My node version is 18.
I used the example given in the link(https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-grid-dropdown-editor-separate?file=index.html) to check the Kendo grid edit with dropdown list.
But i want it in Incell edit .
If you have any example please provide .
Dhamayandhi R
Does the React Timepicker componenet have Autocomplete capabilities?
If so, are there any examples of how to use it?
Thanks in advance for the help.
i have implemented a site with sidebar on the left with all different features of the site corresponding to respective components.
I wish to implement a autosearch kind of feature on the top of the page that should get prefilled with these components like a drop down .
On selection of that feature from autosearch, page should redirect to that components path.
How can we implement this using kendk react ?
I used editItem property to update view of item, but got issue as below. I am using scheduler version 4.14.1. Please tell me how to fix it. You can see sample code in this link :https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-pwcye5?file=app%2Fmain.tsx
Encountered two children with the same key, `undefined:0:0`. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.
at div
at div
at SchedulerViewContext (https://react-pwcye5.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@progress/kendo-react-scheduler@5.12.1/dist/npm/context/SchedulerViewContext.js:56:23)
at eval (https://react-pwcye5.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@progress/kendo-react-scheduler@5.12.1/dist/npm/components/BaseView.js:15:25)
at MultiDayView (https://react-pwcye5.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@progress/kendo-react-scheduler@5.12.1/dist/npm/views/day/MultiDayView.js:51:62)
at KendoReactSchedulerDayView
at divat SchedulerContext (https://react-pwcye5.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@progress/kendo-react-scheduler@5.12.1/dist/npm/context/SchedulerContext.js:189:23)
at eval (https://react-pwcye5.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@progress/kendo-react-scheduler@5.12.1/dist/npm/Scheduler.js:62:26)