I am using Kendo React grid along with detail rows (expand functionality) which works well as per the example stated.
However i need to specify another explicit "Expand ALL" button that should open the detail view of all the rows in the result page.
I tried few attempts but facing issues while binding this new button state behavior with the "onExpandChange" and "onDataStatechange".
I am using pagination and filtering also in this grid. Can you please provide working example for this.
Hello team,
I'm trying to implement daterangepicker where I want to have a vertical scroll. Kendo daterangepicker by default shows 2 months but I want continuous vertical scroll of months like below image. I could not find any props allowing this view. Please someone help me achieve this
Using data that's been processed with the `process` function and a dataState.group. Is this possible?
Alternatively, I would also take keeping the group header and the first row together (so that the group header doesn't sit at the end of a page and its rows start on the next page).
Either one would be a little more intelligent than the current PDF export capability with grouped grids. Apologies if this is a repeated question, I couldn't find a similar topic in the Github or on this forum. Thank you!
When I try to conditionally render a column that's nested, its value cells don't show up (which is correct), but its header cell still shows up (which is incorrect), making the entire header row misaligned with the grid rows -- see example below:
Is there any workaround for this? I've tried cellRender, rowRender, headerCell, and headerClassName to no avail, but maybe I've missed something. Unfortunately, I cannot use CSS display:none on the ".k-header" selector because I have a grouped grid where I need that first column header for the hierarchy, and I'd like to try anything but CSS for this as this seems like a KendoReact (JS) bug in general.
Hello team,
I Need some help in understanding the license mechanism when the react application is deployed in client location (on-premise).
Right now the license is put on 'kendo-ui-license.txt' file in the src code.
When the application is bundled , will this license be read and used from 'kendo-ui-license.txt' ? or any other way has to be followed?
or help me understand to use license in product bundling.
Hi, I would like to ask, if is somehow possible to submit Kendo Form programatically. I checked Form ref and also formRenderProps, but there is not method "submit" (or another) to submit form by the script.
Is it somehow possible? I would like to somehow submit this example form without submit button.
// How to submit this form programatically by the script (without submit button)?
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}
render={(formRenderProps) => {
return <FormElement>
<fieldset className={"k-form-fieldset"}>
<div className="mb-3">
<Field name={"title"}
<div className="mb-0">
<T _translateProps={['label']}>
<Field name={"description"}
Hi Team,
I am using kendo react in my project. I need a Datepicker which should open on button click instead of input field with save and cancel button inside Datepicker. I saw this option inside datetimepicker but i don't need time in my calendar.
Ref: npx kendo-ui-license activate
Does this command need to be done for each build or once per build environment?