I drag slider left and right and it works good even if my finger out of slider area.
After that i put Slider inside of ScrollView it goes bad:
When i drag and my finger out of Slider then slider stops dragging at all. Seems ScrollView intercepts all events.
My idea was to disable Vertical scrolling of ScrollView when Slider gets focus, but for some reason Slider does not fire this event (Focused).
Could you suggest smth to me to solve the problem, maybe there is a some better way to solve this?
<!-- FILTER LIST -->
<ScrollView Grid.Row="2" Margin="0,0,0,0" x:Name="Scroller">
<VerticalStackLayout Margin="28,0">
<telerik:RadRangeSlider x:Name="PetAgeRangeSlider"
BackTrackStyle="{StaticResource SliderTrackStyle}"
RangeTrackStyle="{StaticResource SliderRangeTrackStyle}"
StartThumbStyle="{StaticResource SliderStartEndThumbStyle}"
EndThumbStyle="{StaticResource SliderStartEndThumbStyle}"
LabelStyle="{StaticResource SliderLabelStyle}"
StringConverter="{x:Static converters:PetAgeRangeStringConverter.I}"
RangeStart="{Binding PetAgeStart, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={x:Static converters:IntToDoubleConverter.I}}"
RangeEnd="{Binding PetAgeEnd, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={x:Static converters:IntToDoubleConverter.I}}"
Margin="-4,14,0,0" />
<controls:Delimiter Margin="0,30,0,0" />
Good afternoon, can you please advise me, am I assuming correctly to use Nested Property Text Filter Descriptor in DataGrid, it allows to use nested property filtering? If yes, why it doesn't work, here is a sample code:
<telerik:NestedProprtyTextFilterDescriptor PropertyName="Property.Nested"
I need a solution to get rid of the purple default color which does not fit into my color concept for Android and iOS. I found the solution for the RadEntry which should be the base function of the control, but I don't find how to get this base:
How can I change the cursor color for AuroComplete the have focused event on the MAUI in UI for .NET MAUI | Telerik Forums
It would be also fine to change the color of the underline too. I'm not sure if this color is set by the same property.
Is there a way in a MAUI RadDataGrid to use a mouse to drag a row to a new spot in row order? Any examples?
Thanks !
Found this info for Winforms, but not finding anything for MAUI RadDataGrid
I use the RadCalendar control (Telerik UI for .NET MAUI ) and I have already implemented the customization of day cell (in month view mode), based on the following official sample,
More specifically I need to add a small circle color bubble/dot under the specific day label. The first time that calendar loads I need to load some "Appointments" called "FocusedMonthWorkingSchedules" as follows. Every time the user changes focused month I need to perform an HTTPs API call to update the list and so to update the calendar's cells asyncronously.
The problem is when user performs month change, the RadCalendar changes UI immediately (it is logical) and when the API call returns, there is no way to trigger the following override method "SelectStyle" because it has already completed n times. At the moment that "SelectStyle" method runs, the stored data inside the list (in the ViewModel) have not been updated yet until the API calls finish, so RadCalendar shows previous state.
public partial class CalendarViewModel : BaseViewModel {
public List<WorkingScheduleView> FocusedMonthWorkingSchedules;
public async Task GetFocusedMonthScedule(DateTime selectedDate){
..... // Business Logic
FocusedMonthWorkingSchedules = await _restService.GetSchedule(request);
.... // Business Logic
public class CustomCalendarStyleSelector : CalendarStyleSelector {
protected override Style? SelectStyle(object item, BindableObject container) {
var node = (CalendarNode)item;
DateTime? date = node?.Date;
IView? view = (container as RadLayout)?.Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType() == typeof(Label));
if (view is not null && possibleLabel is Label bubble) {
CalendarViewModel viewModel = App.ServiceProvider?.GetService<CalendarViewModel>();
WorkingSchedule? workingSchedule =
viewModel?.FocusedMonthWorkingSchedules?.FirstOrDefault( x => x.DateTime == date);
bubble.TextColor = workingSchedule?.BubbleColor;
So, is there any best practice to synchronize the data in the UI (RadCalendar), as soon as the https API call finishes?
I have two thoughts, but I cannot find some docs for these,
1. Is there any way to enforce RadCalendar to refresh (e.g. Refresh( ) command)? And if so, can I prevent the initial invokation of "SelectStyle" method n times to improve rendering performance?
2. Is there any way to "pause" the changing month rendering until the asyncronous Task (https API call) finishes? (I think this is a bad practice)
Final thoughts
I can understand that a possible solution could be to use some .NET MAUI handlers, in order to utilize Telerik API for RadCalendar. Is there any example available to implement it using RadCalendar?
Thank you in advance
I have a scenario where I have a large amount of items in my RadSlideView and want to limit the amount of visible indicators. I noticed that there is supposed to be a property called MaxVisibleItems (from the documentation) that I could use to limit the maximum visibile indicators, but when I try to set it in XAML it is not recognized or not accessible.
I'm using the latest version of Telerik.UI.for.Maui (6.8.0) from the telerik nuget feed.
Referenced Documentation: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/maui/controls/slideview/indicators
The Entry control exposes a event after ClearButton click
<telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid">
<telerik:DataGridTextColumn HeaderText="Property" "PropertyName="Property.NestedProperty" />
<telerik:TextFilterDescriptor PropertyName="Property.NestedProperty" Operator="EqualsTo" Value="Value" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<telerik:RadContentView xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
<!-- >> slideview-interaction-xaml -->
<telerik:RadSlideView x:Name="slideView"
ItemsSource="{Binding Views}"
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
<Label Grid.Row="0" Text="{Binding Content}" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" Margin="20"></Label>
<Frame Grid.Row="1" Background="LightGray" CornerRadius="15" Margin="15">
<SwipeGestureRecognizer Direction="Left,Right" Swiped="SwipeGestureRecognizer_OnSwiped"></SwipeGestureRecognizer>
<telerik:RadButton Text="Button in Frame"
<telerik:RadButton Grid.Row="2" Text="Button in Grid"
<!-- << slideview-interaction-xaml -->