Myself Niharika
I wanted to know how to test .Net winform applications using Telerik Test studio
Do i need to install any testing framework
Can you please update any demo for the same
Thank you
For resizing form's controls, I use this
However, I want to resize the width of RadRibbonBarGroups, so that there is no empty space (gap) left between elements of the RibbonBarTab. (All RadRibbonBarGroups should fill up the available space in RibbonBarTab , according to RibbonBarTab's width (form's width))
I would appreciate any help
Evening all,
I have a button on the startmenu that calls up a Feedback form for the users to fill in.
No problems getting the form to appear.
My issue is the Startmenu dos not disappear, so it appears on top of the new form till you click on it.
I tried setting focus on the new form but that did nothing.
Is there some sort of Startmenu.visibility.hide I could call after clicking the menu button that calls up the 2nd form?
Or is this a bug! :(
See attached image of the issue.
Hi folks - I know this same question has been asked several times and each time was extremely helpful except every solution I've seen so far ONLY deals with the "Textbox" region of a RadDropDownList.
What I want to do is change the Border Color (if there is one) AND the background color (Fillcolor?) of JUST the dropdown.
You can see my "FromThis.png" and "ToThis.png" attachments to see far more clearly what I'm talking about.
Thanks again in advance everyone!
I contact you because I have 2 questions about the events of RagGridView control.
Thank you
I want to exclude some columns from searching. I set the column AllowSearching = false. The column name is still showing in the 'Search in Columns' menu unchecked. Can I hide those columns? I tried :
DirectCast(DirectCast(e.ContextMenu, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadDropDownButtonPopup).Items(0), Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadMenuItem).Items(i).Visibility = ElementVisibility.Hidden
It hides the menu item with the column name but showing a empty item in the position. Anyway I can make it disappear?
So what I have to do basically is create an Excel report of the selected rows of my RadGridView and create a header on the first few rows (above my RadGridView data) with a little information about the report so like the time it was created for example. For now, I'm using GridViewSpreadExport class and passing the RadGridView into the constructor and using the SpreadExportRenderer class. and calling RunExport(...). So I guess my questions are:
1.) I seen 3 different ways to export RadGridView data to Excel: GridViewSpreadExport, GridViewSpreadStreamExport, and ExportToExcelML. Which one is best for what I'm trying to accomplish?
2.) How can I just export the data of the selected rows of the RadGridView?
3.) Is there a way to export 2 RadGridView to the same Excel sheet?
Is there a way to hide the column header, for example, I want to hide first column header and shift the item to the left.
Many thanks,
Using the new open file dialog, set MultiSelect = true
If you only select 1 file, the Open button is disable until you select at least 1 more file