i have a problem i want save my data from gridview to dabase including update, deleting a row and adding a row
i populate radgridview from a datatable.
my delete button is click event on a image
and my addnew row is the button from da radgridview
the add new row works almost fine (the click event are not firing on the images.) but add the row to the database.
the delete "button" remove the row from datagrid but is not working removing from the database only radgrid,
is there way i can add delete and update radgridview and then i press a button and update the database?
There are 3 hierarchical levels in my grid. I use "Load-on-Demand" method to load hierarchical data. Mastertemplate data is binding to a local collection.
My gridview is built basically like this :
Private Sub FrmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
myGridView.MultiSelect = True
myGridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill
myGridView.ReadOnly = True
myGridView.AllowRowResize = False
myGridView.MasterTemplate.SelectionMode = GridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
myGridView.UseScrollbarsInHierarchy = True
myGridView.MasterTemplate.ShowChildViewCaptions = True
myGridView.MasterTemplate.ShowRowHeaderColumn = False
Call Load_Hierarchy()
AddHandler myGridView.RowSourceNeeded, AddressOf myGridView_RowSourceNeeded
myGridView.DataSource =myBase
End Sub
Private Sub Load_Hierarchy()
Dim template_FirstLevel As New GridViewTemplate()
template_FirstLevel .Caption = "FirstLevel"
template_FirstLevel .AllowAddNewRow = False
template_FirstLevel .AllowDeleteRow = False
template_FirstLevel .AllowEditRow = False
template_FirstLevel .AllowRowResize = False
template_FirstLevel .AutoGenerateColumns = False
template_FirstLevel .AutoSizeColumnsMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill
template_FirstLevel .ShowChildViewCaptions = True
template_FirstLevel .ShowRowHeaderColumn = False
Dim gCol_1 As GridViewTextBoxColumn = New GridViewTextBoxColumn("Col1")
Dim gCol_2 As GridViewTextBoxColumn = New GridViewTextBoxColumn("Col2")
template_FirstLevel.Columns.AddRange(New GridViewDataColumn() {gCol_1, gCol_2})
myGridView.MasterTemplate.Templates.Add(template_FirstLevel )
template_FirstLevel.HierarchyDataProvider = New GridViewEventDataProvider(template_FirstLevel)
'-------------------definition of Second Level template
Dim template_2ndLevel As New GridViewTemplate()
template_2ndLevel.Caption = "Second Level"
template_2ndLevel.AllowAddNewRow = False
template_2ndLevel.AllowDeleteRow = False
template_2ndLevel.AllowEditRow = False
template_2ndLevel.AutoGenerateColumns = False
template_2ndLevel.AutoSizeColumnsMode = Telerik.WinControls.UI.GridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill
template_2ndLevel.ShowChildViewCaptions = True
template_2ndLevel.ShowRowHeaderColumn = False
Dim gCol_2nd1 As GridViewTextBoxColumn = New GridViewTextBoxColumn("Index")
Dim gCol_2nd2 As GridViewTextBoxColumn = New GridViewTextBoxColumn("Name")
template_2ndLevel.Columns.AddRange(New GridViewDataColumn() {gCol_2nd1 , gCol_2nd2})
template_2ndLevel.HierarchyDataProvider = New GridViewEventDataProvider(template_2ndLevel)
End Sub
Private Sub myGridView_RowSourceNeeded(sender As Object, e As GridViewRowSourceNeededEventArgs)
If e.ParentRow.HierarchyLevel = 0 Then '----First Level data load
Dim Masteritem As C_dbProduit = TryCast(e.ParentRow.DataBoundItem, C_Master)
------Do something to load data in FirstLevelItemsList by using Masteritem-------
For 1stItem fonction In FirstLevelItemsList
Dim row_1stL As GridViewRowInfo = e.Template.Rows.NewRow()
row_1stL.Cells("Col1").Value = 1stItem.data1
row_1stL.Cells("Col2").Value = 1stItem.data2
End If
If e.ParentRow.HierarchyLevel = 1 Then '----2nd Level data load
Dim 1stItem As C_1stItem = TryCast(e.ParentRow.DataBoundItem, C_1stItem)
Dim masterparentRow As GridViewRowInfo = TryCast(e.ParentRow.Parent, GridViewRowInfo)
Dim masteritem As C_Master = TryCast(parentRow.DataBoundItem, C_Master)
If 1stItem Is Nothing Then '-----------------e.ParentRow.DataBoundItem is always nothing
Exit Sub
End If
If masteritem Is Nothing Then'-----------------e.ParentRow.Parent.DataBoundItem is always Correct!
Exit Sub
End If
'------------Do something to load data in the collection of 2ndItem by using 1stItem-------
End If
End Sub
It works perfect to show mastertemplate and 1st hierarchical level. But when I expand 2nd level, its ParentRow.DataBoundItem (it should be selected 1st level data) is always nothing. But I can get DataBoundItem of e.ParentRow.Parent correctly.
In order to avoid memory overloading, I prefer load-on-demand method in hierarchy grid.
Please help me.
Thank you
Hello, administrator
As you know,I used the following code to export the data in the table, but how can I export the data to any location on the computer and name it instead of having to change it when the code is written
Dim spreadExporter As GridViewSpreadExport = New GridViewSpreadExport(radGridView1)
Dim exportRenderer As New SpreadExportRenderer()
spreadExporter.RunExport("D:\exportedFile.xlsx", exportRenderer)
Looking forward to your reply
I've spent 2 hours trying to get the colors right on a GridView......
I set the selected row color using your examples, and the RowFormatting event, but there are two colors i just can't seem to set:
- the color used when the mouse moves over a row. I've tried using the CellMouseMove (as your examples) but I them have to rest all the non-current cells back to normal, and this seems very complicated for just changing a simplecolor. Can I set this at design time? If not, how at runtime?
- same for the backcolor of the whole grid: there is a design0time BackColor on the RadRootElement, and this sometimes shows up in the designer, but not reliably. And I can't seem to set it at runtime either.
Thanks for the great support!
i want square and multiplied shape for ScatterLineSeries point.
I've got a RadTextBox which has multiline set to true. However, when I assign a value to the Text property which contain "\n" characters all text appears on a single line. Is the Text property supposed to handle multi line texts, or do I need to set some additional properties?
When I click the button element of the RadSplitButtonElement, the dropdown do open and fire click.
Like in MS-Office, I expect the button to fire click, but not open the dropdown. The dropdown should only be opened when clicking the arrow part.
Note : I'm using version 2016.3.1024.40
How can I change this behavior ?
At this moment, when using a touchscreen, a pangesture on the scrollbar, that's on the bottom of the Panorama results in a pangesture event.
Is it possible that this pangesture ON THE SCROLLBAR controls the scrollbar?
(see video : http://www.soundware.nl/Data/20190103_161853.mp4)
The pangesture on the rest of the Panorama-control needs to be intact.
Best regards
Patrick Vossen
Is it just me?
Standard Winforms app. I have used the Visual Style builder to create a custom theme and saved it as 'UVTMetroBlue.tssp', in a sub=folder of my project named 'Theme'.
In Visual Studio 2017 I add the theme package as a resource. I go to the RadThemeManger on my MainForm, and select load from resource. It prompts me to enter the resource location string.
If I enter what I believe is the correct string : "UVTMain.Theme.UVTMetroBlue.tssp", I get a null reference error. If I add it through 'Edit Themese', and browse to the file, same "null reference" error.
If I put in nonsense, it accepts it without error.
So, I go to 'Edit Themes' on the Theme Manager and there is the entry
Unable locate Resource file 'aasdasdasd' in the project folder 'C:\Users\hespect\source\Workspaces\UVeritech\UVTMain\UVTMain\'
Is something wrong with my .tssp file?