Hello all!
I'm working with a use case where I can't allow the user to edit an inserted image - we're not saving the bytes, just the URL the image comes from, so the user editing the image would just be wasted time.
I've disabled the 'CanDrag', 'CanResize', and 'CanRotate' on the ImageSelectinoAdornerSettings layer. I even tried removing the layer per a forum post I found - however if I right click on the image, I see get a functional 'Edit Image' option on the context menu.
I've looked at the RadRichTextEditor Context Menu article (https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/controls/richtexteditor/ui-for-applying-rich-text-formatting/context-menu), but it doesn't show how to loop through the groups and/or the menu items themselves, and I'm hitting a wall when I try to figure that out myself.
Any suggestions on how to remove the Edit Image context menu item?
Thank you!
I have Microsoft VS Ent 2019 with latest patch and try to open Property Builder of RadGridView at design time, WinForm project.
Yesterday it worked and I created complex grid with groups on multiple columns. It consumed all of the day.
But today I can't continue my work,
Solution compiles OK. At run-time it seems to be all ok.
How can I fix this problem?
And to the point, could you, developers, make theborder of the Property Builder sizeable? It's too hard to work with such a small window.
When I change to Korean font when using Telerik WinForm control, vertical alignment does not work properly.
In the attached picture, the left side is the basic controls of the window form, and the right side is the Telerik control.
In the Telerik control, vertical alignment is not correct when using Korean fonts.
That is, the text is raised a little higher.
Segoe UI, which is automatically selected when adding Telerik controls, is well aligned.
Can I manually adjust this?
Thank you.
BooKyung Oh.
I admit I'm new to this so... I might need to do something else. However the image I have in Inkscape looks the way I want. As soon as I add it to the picture box (via the svgImage property), the image is... nowhere near correct.
Here is the SVG I'm attempting to add to the radpicturebox:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<svg width="41.03935mm" height="50.59257mm" viewBox="0, 0, 41.03935, 50.59257" id="svg2212" svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" version="1.1">
<defs id="defs2209">
<filter x="-0.0278703" y="-0.0224075" width="1.055741" height="1.044815" id="filter9157" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2.3" in="SourceAlpha" result="result0" id="feGaussianBlur9131" />
<feMorphology radius="6.6" in="SourceAlpha" result="result1" id="feMorphology9133" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="8.9" in="result1" id="feGaussianBlur9135" />
<feColorMatrix values="1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0" result="result91" id="feColorMatrix9137" />
<feComposite operator="out" in2="result91" in="result0" result="result2" id="feComposite9139" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="1.7" result="result4" id="feGaussianBlur9141" />
<feDiffuseLighting surfaceScale="10" id="feDiffuseLighting9145">
<feDistantLight azimuth="225" elevation="45" id="feDistantLight9143" />
<feBlend mode="multiply" in2="SourceGraphic" id="feBlend9147" />
<feComposite operator="in" in2="SourceAlpha" result="result3" id="feComposite9149" />
<feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="5" specularExponent="17.9" in="result4" id="feSpecularLighting9153">
<feDistantLight azimuth="225" elevation="45" id="feDistantLight9151" />
<feComposite operator="atop" in2="result3" id="feComposite9155" />
<filter x="-0.02661349" y="-0.02158815" width="1.053227" height="1.043176" id="filter9185" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2.3" in="SourceAlpha" result="result0" id="feGaussianBlur9159" />
<feMorphology radius="6.6" in="SourceAlpha" result="result1" id="feMorphology9161" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="8.9" in="result1" id="feGaussianBlur9163" />
<feColorMatrix values="1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0" result="result91" id="feColorMatrix9165" />
<feComposite operator="out" in2="result91" in="result0" result="result2" id="feComposite9167" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="1.7" result="result4" id="feGaussianBlur9169" />
<feDiffuseLighting surfaceScale="10" id="feDiffuseLighting9173">
<feDistantLight azimuth="225" elevation="45" id="feDistantLight9171" />
<feBlend mode="multiply" in2="SourceGraphic" id="feBlend9175" />
<feComposite operator="in" in2="SourceAlpha" result="result3" id="feComposite9177" />
<feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="5" specularExponent="17.9" in="result4" id="feSpecularLighting9181">
<feDistantLight azimuth="225" elevation="45" id="feDistantLight9179" />
<feComposite operator="atop" in2="result3" id="feComposite9183" />
<filter x="-0.03692879" y="-0.02995565" width="1.073858" height="1.059911" id="filter10045" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2.3" in="SourceAlpha" result="result0" id="feGaussianBlur10019" />
<feMorphology radius="6.6" in="SourceAlpha" result="result1" id="feMorphology10021" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="8.9" in="result1" id="feGaussianBlur10023" />
<feColorMatrix values="1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 0" result="result91" id="feColorMatrix10025" />
<feComposite operator="out" in2="result91" in="result0" result="result2" id="feComposite10027" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="1.7" result="result4" id="feGaussianBlur10029" />
<feDiffuseLighting surfaceScale="10" id="feDiffuseLighting10033">
<feDistantLight azimuth="225" elevation="45" id="feDistantLight10031" />
<feBlend mode="multiply" in2="SourceGraphic" id="feBlend10035" />
<feComposite operator="in" in2="SourceAlpha" result="result3" id="feComposite10037" />
<feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="5" specularExponent="17.9" in="result4" id="feSpecularLighting10041">
<feDistantLight azimuth="225" elevation="45" id="feDistantLight10039" />
<feComposite operator="atop" in2="result3" result="fbSourceGraphic" id="feComposite10043" />
<feColorMatrix values="0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0" in="fbSourceGraphic" result="fbSourceGraphicAlpha" id="feColorMatrix10047" />
<feBlend mode="screen" in2="fbSourceGraphic" in="fbSourceGraphic" result="result1" id="feBlend10049" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2" result="result6" id="feGaussianBlur10051" />
<feComposite operator="xor" in2="result1" in="result6" result="result7" id="feComposite10053" />
<feComposite operator="xor" in2="result7" in="result7" result="result4" id="feComposite10055" />
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="3" in="result4" result="result3" id="feGaussianBlur10057" />
<feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="6" specularConstant="1.5" specularExponent="55" in="result3" result="result5" id="feSpecularLighting10059">
<fePointLight x="-5000" y="-8000" z="20000" id="fePointLight10061" />
<feComposite operator="arithmetic" k2="1.5" k3="1" in2="fbSourceGraphic" in="result3" result="result92" id="feComposite10063" />
<feComposite operator="atop" in2="result92" in="result5" result="result93" id="feComposite10065" />
<feBlend mode="multiply" in2="result93" result="fbSourceGraphic" id="feBlend10067" />
<feColorMatrix values="0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0" in="fbSourceGraphic" result="fbSourceGraphicAlpha" id="feColorMatrix10069" />
<feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="1" specularConstant="2" specularExponent="18.5" in="fbSourceGraphicAlpha" result="result94" id="feSpecularLighting10071">
<feDistantLight azimuth="225" elevation="30" id="feDistantLight10073" />
<feComposite operator="atop" in2="fbSourceGraphic" result="result0" id="feComposite10075" />
<feMorphology operator="dilate" radius="2" in="fbSourceGraphicAlpha" result="result1" id="feMorphology10077" />
<feComposite in2="result1" in="result0" id="feComposite10079" />
<g transform="translate(-0.1575353, -0.2248901)" id="layer1">
<g transform="matrix(0.03527778, 0, 0, -0.03527778, -109.5715, 121.2841)" id="g2195" display="inline">
<path d="M4243.5 2479.37 L4243.5 2090.21 C4243.5 2086.26 4241.97 2082.58 4239.19 2079.81 L4191.41 2032.02 C4188.67 2029.29 4184.89 2027.71 4181.02 2027.71 L3203.16 2027.71 C3199.29 2027.71 3195.51 2029.29 3192.78 2032.02 L3144.99 2079.81 C3142.2 2082.58 3140.68 2086.26 3140.68 2090.21 L3140.68 2479.37 C3140.68 2482.42 3141.61 2485.36 3143.36 2487.85 L3174.98 2532.67 C3177.71 2536.52 3179.14 2541.05 3179.14 2545.78 L3179.14 2883.3 C3179.14 2888.02 3177.71 2892.56 3174.98 2896.41 L3143.36 2941.23 C3141.61 2943.72 3140.68 2946.66 3140.68 2949.7 L3140.68 3338.88 C3140.68 3342.81 3142.2 3346.5 3144.99 3349.27 L3192.78 3397.06 C3195.49 3399.8 3199.29 3401.36 3203.16 3401.36 L4181.02 3401.36 C4184.89 3401.36 4188.67 3399.8 4191.41 3397.06 L4239.19 3349.27 C4241.97 3346.5 4243.5 3342.81 4243.5 3338.88 L4243.5 2949.7 C4243.5 2946.66 4242.57 2943.72 4240.82 2941.23 L4209.2 2896.41 C4206.47 2892.55 4205.03 2888.02 4205.03 2883.3 L4205.03 2545.78 C4205.03 2541.06 4206.48 2536.53 4209.2 2532.67 L4240.82 2487.85 C4242.57 2485.36 4243.5 2482.42 4243.5 2479.37 M4247.37 2936.6 C4250.09 2940.46 4251.54 2944.979 4251.54 2949.7 L4251.54 3012.87 L4273.75 3035.07 L4273.75 3247.61 L4251.54 3269.81 L4251.54 3338.88 C4251.54 3344.95 4249.17 3350.66 4244.87 3354.95 L4197.1 3402.74 C4192.88 3406.97 4187.01 3409.39 4181.02 3409.39 L3910.55 3409.39 L3888.35 3431.6 L3494.49 3431.6 L3472.28 3409.39 L3203.16 3409.39 C3197.17 3409.39 3191.31 3406.97 3187.1 3402.74 L3139.3 3354.95 C3135.01 3350.66 3132.64 3344.95 3132.64 3338.88 L3132.64 3269.81 L3110.43 3247.61 L3110.43 3035.07 L3132.64 3012.87 L3132.64 2949.7 C3132.64 2944.98 3134.08 2940.46 3136.8 2936.6 L3155.61 2909.93 L3155.61 2519.15 L3136.8 2492.48 C3134.08 2488.62 3132.64 2484.09 3132.64 2479.37 L3132.64 2419.88 L3110.43 2397.68 L3110.43 2185.16 L3132.64 2162.95 L3132.64 2090.21 C3132.64 2084.12 3135.01 2078.41 3139.3 2074.13 L3187.1 2026.34 C3191.31 2022.11 3197.17 2019.68 3203.16 2019.68 L3472.28 2019.68 L3494.49 1997.48 L3888.35 1997.48 L3910.55 2019.68 L4181.02 2019.68 C4187.01 2019.68 4192.86 2022.11 4197.1 2026.34 L4244.87 2074.13 C4249.17 2078.41 4251.54 2084.12 4251.54 2090.21 L4251.54 2162.95 L4273.75 2185.16 L4273.75 2397.68 L4251.54 2419.88 L4251.54 2479.37 C4251.54 2484.09 4250.09 2488.62 4247.37 2492.48 L4229 2518.54 L4229 2910.53 L4247.37 2936.6" filter="url(#filter10045)" id="path20" fill-rule="nonzero" display="inline" fill-opacity="1" style="fill:#2CCEF6;stroke:none;" />
<path d="M4181.02 2027.71 L3203.16 2027.71 C3199.29 2027.71 3195.51 2029.29 3192.78 2032.02 L3144.99 2079.81 C3142.2 2082.58 3140.68 2086.26 3140.68 2090.21 L3140.68 2479.37 C3140.68 2482.42 3141.61 2485.36 3143.36 2487.85 L3174.98 2532.67 C3177.71 2536.52 3179.14 2541.05 3179.14 2545.78 L3179.14 2883.3 C3179.14 2888.02 3177.71 2892.56 3174.98 2896.41 L3143.36 2941.23 C3141.61 2943.72 3140.68 2946.66 3140.68 2949.7 L3140.68 3338.88 C3140.68 3342.81 3142.2 3346.5 3144.99 3349.27 L3192.78 3397.06 C3195.49 3399.8 3199.29 3401.36 3203.16 3401.36 L4181.02 3401.36 C4184.89 3401.36 4188.67 3399.8 4191.41 3397.06 L4239.19 3349.27 C4241.97 3346.5 4243.5 3342.81 4243.5 3338.88 L4243.5 2949.7 C4243.5 2946.66 4242.57 2943.72 4240.82 2941.23 L4209.2 2896.41 C4206.47 2892.55 4205.03 2888.02 4205.03 2883.3 L4205.03 2545.78 C4205.03 2541.06 4206.48 2536.53 4209.2 2532.67 L4240.82 2487.85 C4242.57 2485.36 4243.5 2482.42 4243.5 2479.37 L4243.5 2090.21 C4243.5 2086.26 4241.97 2082.58 4239.19 2079.81 L4191.41 2032.02 C4188.67 2029.29 4184.89 2027.71 4181.02 2027.71" id="path22" fill-rule="nonzero" display="inline" fill-opacity="1" style="fill:#0D1C2A;stroke:none;" />
<path d="M4181.02 2023.7 L3203.17 2023.7 C3198.2 2023.7 3193.43 2025.67 3189.93 2029.18 L3142.15 2076.97 C3138.64 2080.48 3136.65 2085.24 3136.65 2090.21 L3136.65 2479.37 C3136.65 2483.23 3137.86 2487.01 3140.08 2490.16 L3171.7 2534.99 C3173.93 2538.15 3175.13 2541.91 3175.13 2545.78 L3175.13 2883.3 C3175.13 2887.17 3173.93 2890.93 3171.7 2894.09 L3140.08 2938.92 C3137.86 2942.07 3136.65 2945.84 3136.65 2949.7 L3136.65 3338.88 C3136.65 3343.84 3138.64 3348.6 3142.15 3352.11 L3189.93 3399.9 C3193.43 3403.41 3198.2 3405.38 3203.17 3405.38 L3692.08 3405.38 L4181.02 3405.38 C4185.99 3405.38 4190.74 3403.41 4194.25 3399.9 L4242.04 3352.11 C4245.54 3348.6 4247.51 3343.84 4247.51 3338.88 L4247.51 2949.7 C4247.51 2945.84 4246.32 2942.07 4244.1 2938.92 L4212.48 2894.09 C4210.25 2890.93 4209.06 2887.17 4209.06 2883.3 L4209.06 2545.78 C4209.06 2541.91 4210.25 2538.15 4212.48 2534.99 L4244.1 2490.16 C4246.32 2487.01 4247.51 2483.23 4247.51 2479.37 L4247.51 2090.21 C4247.51 2085.24 4245.54 2080.48 4242.04 2076.97 L4194.25 2029.18 C4190.74 2025.67 4185.99 2023.7 4181.02 2023.7 M3203.16 3401.36 C3199.29 3401.36 3195.49 3399.8 3192.78 3397.06 L3144.99 3349.27 C3142.2 3346.5 3140.68 3342.81 3140.68 3338.88 L3140.68 2949.7 C3140.68 2946.66 3141.61 2943.72 3143.36 2941.23 L3174.98 2896.41 C3177.71 2892.56 3179.14 2888.02 3179.14 2883.3 L3179.14 2545.78 C3179.14 2541.05 3177.71 2536.52 3174.98 2532.67 L3143.36 2487.85 C3141.61 2485.36 3140.68 2482.42 3140.68 2479.37 L3140.68 2090.21 C3140.68 2086.26 3142.2 2082.58 3144.99 2079.81 L3192.78 2032.02 C3195.51 2029.29 3199.29 2027.71 3203.16 2027.71 L4181.02 2027.71 C4184.89 2027.71 4188.67 2029.29 4191.41 2032.02 L4239.19 2079.81 C4241.97 2082.58 4243.5 2086.26 4243.5 2090.21 L4243.5 2479.37 C4243.5 2482.42 4242.57 2485.36 4240.82 2487.85 L4209.2 2532.67 C4206.479 2536.53 4205.03 2541.06 4205.03 2545.78 L4205.03 2883.3 C4205.03 2888.02 4206.47 2892.55 4209.2 2896.41 L4240.82 2941.23 C4242.57 2943.72 4243.5 2946.66 4243.5 2949.7 L4243.5 3338.88 C4243.5 3342.81 4241.97 3346.5 4239.19 3349.27 L4191.41 3397.06 C4188.67 3399.8 4184.89 3401.36 4181.02 3401.36 L3203.16 3401.36" filter="url(#filter9157)" id="path24" fill-rule="nonzero" display="inline" fill-opacity="1" style="fill:#02FAFC;stroke:none;" />
I'm having issues in my application when displaying and moving RadMessageBox from HD screen to 4K screen. The size of the default icon is very small when shown on the 4K monitor also the location of the buttons seems to go awrywhen moving dialog between monitors. I also get a strange sizing issue when showing a custom bitmap for an image, it's not scaling at all when shown on the 4K monitor.
Luckily the scaling / layout issues can be easily reproduced using the latest Demo Application (Demo Application - Telerik UI for WinForms R2 2022 SP1) by following these steps.
On the HD monitor - start demo app, select Explore all controls, select "Message Box"
Change message type to "Info" and set buttons to "Yes, No, Cancel"
Click "Show RadMessageBox" - Message box is displayed as expected
Drag to 4K monitor - size and layout is wrong and icon image is small
Press cancel whilst its shown on 4K monitor
Click "Show RadMessageBox" - Message box is displayed on HD monitor with overlapping buttons and large image icon
Press Close / cancel and try again - this time it shows correctly
Sometimes when playing with the demo I get also see
I'm aware that RadMessageBox is persistant throughout the life of the applicationso you might have to shut down the demo app and restart it.
And another issue, this time starting in my own HDPI aware application on 4K monitor - this time the size of the message text is too large.
Kind regards
I have a standard RadGridView that I've created functionality to export to Excel. When I filter the rows of the RadGridView and then execute my export button, the spreadsheet still contains all of the rows. How can I export filtered rows only ?
I've already tried ExcelML and that doesn't seem to export to .XLSX format. It does handle the filtering automatically.
Here is my code:
private void radButton_Export_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
In my application (latest Telerik WinForms and .NET 4.7.2) I have a grid view control which is fixed in size, scroll bars always hidden, multi select is enabled. If I press and hold the left mouse button then drag the mouse downbelow the control it scrolls (not sure why) and then throws an exception.
I have managed to reproduce the issue with a simple test application (attached)
Kind regards
how can I override New/Open/Save buttons actions in RadDiagramRibbonBar? I have found button properties, so I can add my event handlers. I have found also DisableDefaultSaveAction property. I set that property to true, but it disables only New and Save button actions, not Open button action. How can I disable also default Open button action? Also, why is it named '...SaveAction', when it disables also New action? I attached my test project for testing.
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonNew.Visibility = ElementVisibility.Collapsed;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.DisableDefaultSaveAction = true;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonNew.Click += ButtonNew_Click;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonOpen.Click += ButtonOpen_Click;
radDiagramRibbonBar1.buttonSave.Click += ButtonSave_Click;
One more question, can I add my buttons / groups to ribbon bar also to main tab? I see I can add new tabs and buttons to them, is it possible to add also to main tab in a simple way? I don't know if I will need it, but it's interesting question.
I am starting to implement new editor based on diagram, so maybe next questions will follow, but I don't want to ask something I haven't studied and tested.
Private Sub RadGanttView1_ControlAdded(sender As Object, e As ControlEventArgs) Handles RadGanttView1.ControlAdded
Dim startDate As Date = RadGanttView1.SelectedItem.Start
e.Control.Text = startDate.ToShortDateString
End Sub
How can I change the date input format to Short?