Basic Concepts for Customization

Each Telerik and Kendo UI theme package includes the source files of the theme. You can modify these source files and rebuild the theme as part of your build process. For example, you can change the theme colors, include the CSS only of the components you use, or use specific theme colors to style your application. The theme source files are located in the scss folder of the theme package.

To build a custom theme by using the theme variables, apply either of the following approaches:

Using the Build Process of the Application

With this setup, you can customize theme variables directly in your application. For example, you can change the default primary color from orange to pink with the following lines:

// Change the primary color of the theme
$kendo-color-primary: #ff69b4;

// When you are finished with your customization, import the theme
@import "@progress/kendo-theme-default/dist/all.scss";

// Note that the variables bellow this point will not take effect,
// because the theme is already imported
$kendo-component-bg: #ff0000;

You can also customize individual components by overriding their variables.

// Change the background color of the PanelBar
$kendo-panelbar-bg: #1b56b8;
// Change the background color of the Grid
$kendo-grid-bg: #1bb822;
// Import only the PanelBar and Grid styles
@import "@progress/kendo-theme-default/scss/panelbar/_index.scss";
@import "@progress/kendo-theme-default/scss/grid/_index.scss";

Using the Build Process of the Themes

While each Telerik and Kendo UI theme has a dedicated NPM package (for example, @progress/kendo-theme-default), the source code for all themes is located in the kendo-themes repository. The repository contains a build task that compiles the theme sources to CSS. To customize a theme, modify the source code of the theme, and use the build task to produce a CSS file for your application. This approach avoids the need to set up a build configuration when you compile SCSS but may be harder to maintain as the process has to be repeated each time a theme is updated.

Framework-Specific Documentation

For specific information about how to customize the Telerik and Kendo UI themes, refer to the official product documentation: