
Place Content

The Telerik and Kendo UI lace Content Utilities are CSS utility classes that enable you to control how the element's children will be aligned along both axes.

Utility ClassCSS Property
.k-place-content-normalplace-content: normal;
.k-place-content-stretchplace-content: stretch;
.k-place-content-centerplace-content: center;
.k-place-content-startplace-content: start;
.k-place-content-endplace-content: end;
.k-place-content-selft-startplace-content: self-start;
.k-place-content-self-endplace-content: self-end;
.k-place-content-baselineplace-content: baseline;
.k-place-content-betweenplace-content: space-between;
.k-place-content-aroundplace-content: space-around;
.k-place-content-evenlyplace-content: space-evenly;


Use the k-place-content-stretch utility to stretch the items equally within the entire container along the main axis.


Use the k-place-content-center utility to align the items in the center of the container along the main axis.


Use the k-place-content-start utility to align the items at the start of the container along the main axis.


Use the k-place-content-end utility to align the items at the end the container along the main axis.


Use the k-place-content-normal utility to align the items at their default positions when no place-content value is set.

Space Between

Use the k-place-content-between utility to distribute the items with an equal space between them within the container along the main axis.

Space Around

Use the k-place-content-around utility to distribute the items with an equal space around them within the container along the main axis.

Space Evenly

Use the k-place-content-evenly utility to distribute the items with an equal space between them within the container along the main axis. The same space appears before the first and after the last item.