Hi ,
I am currently using Trial version of Test Studio to check the feasibility and create a POC project of my application. So far I am satisfied with what I can do with Test Studio and would most likely be buying the license soon if my POC gets approved.
However, lately I have found a problem while executing in debug mode i.e. performing 'Run from here' on the attached IE browser.
Everytime a step contains 'Find' statement the IE browser gets closed and I would have to relogin. The test gets executed successfully though.
I have noticed this with all kinds of Find statemetns - Find.ByExpression, Find.ByAttributes etc.
These statements get executed successfully i.e. the relevant object gets identified, gets clicked and everything works well, just that the attached browser gets closed. This doesnt happen when there are no Find statments in the test case.
IE Version : IE 11
OS : Windows 7
Thank you
I am encountering this problem where the dropdown combo box is not getting populated with the sheet names present in the excel sheet.
Screenshot and spreadsheet attached here.
We are seeing extremely high IOPS and CPU usage when doing basic operations from Test Studio; such as deleting results.
If anyone can help me understand why this might be I would be for ever grateful! :)
We are running version 2015.1.528.0 on Server 2012 R2
The load seams to be coming from SQL Server that is running on the machine (part of the Storage Server?)
I can't imagine the software is so inefficient as to be making all these database requests unnecessarily so hopefully its a configuration issue? everything should be configured as it is out of the box.
I have an issue where knockoutjs is showing and hiding a button using an data-bind="if: [condiition]" statement.
The button is initially not shown(ie. the if evaluates to false). The Find.ById doesn't find the button even after the if statement evaluates to true and shows the item. Is this a limitation or should I be able to find the element after the runtime update.
Does the code in test studio get dynamically created at page load time or is the DOM in the browser searched whenever one of these Find.By... functions is executed? If the latter is true I will never be able to get a handle to my element in my test.
I have also confirmed that the instance of button is located if I remove the show/hide IF knockoutjs statement .
I am trying to create a UI test for an ASP.NET web site hosted in SharePoint 2010 using Test Studio. I am using WS2008 and IE10 for testing.
I am having a problem while getting element within an iFrame. This iFrame is created dynamically on click a link and loaded within a HTML page under the current page.
I think that the iFrame is not loaded in the DOM and this is why I am getting error while accessing elements in the iFrame.
Can you please provide me a way to access elements in the iFrame?
PFB, the error I have got in the log file:
Unable to find the target host (Browser/SilverlightApp) to locate an element. Failure waiting for frane '[Frame:id=DlfFrame1bc2fae4-baa8-45e1-9331-88asdlaewrfkdj,name=Frame_2,src=http://contoso.com/_layouts/listform.aspx,UseQuery:False]' time out. Error: Wait for condition has timed out.
Thank you in advance.
When i tried to execute scripts via command line, it was failing saying System.IO.Filenotfound exception.
I debugged and found that it is due to the reference dll path set in Settings.aiis file.The settings.aiis file was checked in to TFS and while executing from remote machine / test machine, it will look in the TFS mapped folder which doesn't exist in the test machine.
Then i pointed to correct local location and it worked.
So is there any way we can specify reference dlls path as generic rather than hardcoded.
I'm having a problem, after the latest update, with my scheduled tests not running. Before the the update I had no problem as and they were running on time and sending results notifications. After the update, I went in an rescheduled al my tests (after they did not run for a couple of days) - set up email results notification , as before, but still no luck. Anyone else having this same problem?
I found this http://docs.telerik.com/teststudio/knowledge-base/test-execution-kb/minimized-rdc
and tried implementing this registry key setting. I set registry key in my machine as per article but scripts was failing. So set registry key in Remote machine also.
However i still find scripts failing in remote machine.
Any solutions?