does RadSplitContainer have a property similar to "FixedPanel" on the native SplitContainer? If not, how would I achieve that?
I want to be able to create the 'groups' and in each group the 'items' dynamically based on a temp-table like: *def temp-table ttListfield ttList.groups as charfield ttList.items as charindex Gpr is primary unique groups items.For each ttList by groups by items: .......end.
Thank you for your repons
I am using the RadSpreadProcessing library to create Excel reports: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/document-processing/libraries/radspreadprocessing/overview
How can I write comments to a cell? Like if I were Excel and went to do it, I would right-click the cell I want to write a comment to and click "New Comment":
Is there a way I can do that sort of same thing using RadSpreadProcessing library?
Dear Supprot Team,
I have a tricky task to do, and i cant figure out how to approach. On the below screenshot you can see two grids (marked with red arrow)
They have one common key, the 'ITEM CODE'. I have to keep these grids in sync from sorting and filtering and scrolling point of view, and in 2 of 3 i could solve. I can keep sync between scrollbars, i can also filter the rows based on any column of the both grid, but im in trouble iwth the sorting.
If i sort by ITEM CODE in any of the both grid, it sorts the other grid too perfectly, i achieved it with this simple line:
But the rest of the column names are different, and if i sort by any of them it doenst reflect on the other.
With other words, if i sort by 'STOCK' for example on the left grid (rgv_RAWMAT) then it will result a kinda random ordering in the
'ITEM CODE' column here, and it wont reflect the 'ITEM CODE' column and the others either of the right grid (rgv_COVERAGE).
Please help me how can i achieve that soring aplies on the opposite side to (by the key-column: ITEM CODE), independently of which columnheader i clicked to.
Million thanks
Good morning,
I would like to ask three questions concerning your radWebCam control.
1. We're using it within an application running on a Windows 10 tablet and I would like to ask if it's possible to move the control panel to the left or right side to have it vertical? As our tablet is pretty heavy (it's a Dell Latitude 7212 for rough environments), the usability of our app would improve a lot if our workers could keep their tablet in both hands while taking a photo.
2. Regarding the use on a tablet, I wanted to enlarge the control panel of the camera as well as the buttons on it. I noticed a kind of strange behaviour when I change the Control Panel Height via the smart tag. As soon as I modify this value to something else than 30, the camera doesn't launch anymore and VS 2019 says, that the application is in break mode due tu a System.InvalidOperationException that was thrown within External Code. Is that maybe related to the video format or to other parameters that I set when launching the camera? I attached you my demo project, you can download it here: https://easyupload.io/la69am
3. We would like to add a button to swap the camera (front and back). I just dragged a radButton with this functionality onto the control panel of the webcam and anchored it to the bottom. It works fine but the only problem which is left is that I would like to disable or hide this button when the user took a picture and has the choice of saving or discarding it. The event "SnapshotTaken" is fired only after clicking on the disc to save the snapshot. But how can I "catch" this state of the photo preview before saving it?
Thank you in advance for your help and have a nice day!
I need to Hide or Remove 'New Recurring Appointment' option from RadScheduler. Can you show me an example of how to do this in VB?
Thanks and best regards,
RadMemnuItems have a .showArrow propery, which shows a little triangle to the right of the item, to indiate there are sub-items.
Does anyone know how to make the arrow appear at the bottom of the item? There 's Direction property, but that changes where the wrrow points, which is useful, but does not change its position.
Is it possible to send mail report from RadGridView Telerik WinForms C#. I have button to print when the button is clicked the report should export to pdf also.
I'd like to customize the location of a MessageBox. Ideally, I would just set a parent control and the MessageBox would center itself to the parent.
I tried this ((0,0) to make it obvious) but it doesn't work:
'Dim pt As Point = New Point(Me.Parent.Location.X + Me.Location.X, Me.Parent.Location.Y + Me.Location.Y)
'Telerik.WinControls.RadMessageBox.Instance.Location = New Point((pt.X + Me.Width / 2) - (Telerik.WinControls.RadMessageBox.Instance.Width / 2), (pt.Y + Me.Height / 2))
Telerik.WinControls.RadMessageBox.Instance.Location = New Point(0, 0)
Dim ds As DialogResult = Telerik.WinControls.RadMessageBox.Show(Me, "Are you sure?", "Clear form",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, RadMessageIcon.Question,
I've also found this bit of code (modified it according to my needs) from an older answer to someone else's similar question:
Private Sub Instance_LocationChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
RemoveHandler RadMessageBox.Instance.LocationChanged, AddressOf Instance_LocationChanged
Dim box As RadMessageBoxForm = sender
Dim pt As Point = New Point(Me.Parent.Location.X + Me.Location.X, Me.Parent.Location.Y + Me.Location.Y)
box.Location = New Point((pt.X + Me.Width / 2) - (box.Width / 2), (pt.Y + Me.Height / 2))
AddHandler RadMessageBox.Instance.LocationChanged, AddressOf Instance_LocationChanged
End Sub
But the problem here is that the MessageBox is then static and can't be moved.
Using version 2021.1.326.40.
I am using the RadSpreadProcessing library to create Excel reports: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/document-processing/libraries/radspreadprocessing/overview
I'm using the DataValidation (i.e. ListDataValidationRule) to create dropdowns with a set of values: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/document-processing/libraries/radspreadprocessing/features/data-validation
Here's the issue I'm seeing:
I go to try to create a dropdown with the ListDataValidationRule object, but when my string length is >255 characters for the Argument1 property and I export out the report, I receive an error when trying to launch the exported file:
Sample code:
CellIndex dataValidationRuleCellIndex = new CellIndex(0, 0);
ListDataValidationRuleContext context = new ListDataValidationRuleContext(worksheet, dataValidationRuleCellIndex);
context.ErrorStyle = ErrorStyle.Stop;
context.ErrorAlertTitle = "Wrong value";
context.ErrorAlertContent = "The entered value is not valid";
context.InCellDropdown = true;
context.IgnoreBlank= false;
// Insert string length is > 255 characters
context.Argument1 = <INSERT STRING OF LENGTH > 255 CHARACTERS>;
ListDataValidationRule rule = new ListDataValidationRule(context);